Is it possible, with the new opensuse 11.2, to have the application menu, as a context menu, when clicking anywhere on the desktop background, as it was possible with kde3 ?
Err, no not to my knowledge.
Isn’t there some plasma ? Some plugin ? Or some workaround to have this very useful feature of kde3 on kde4 ?
I mean having the application launch menu from anywhere on the desktop is really an interesting feature. I think it lacks and i would like to have it on opensuse 11.2, otherwise i will stay with opensuse 11.1 .
You could have the system menu as a plasmoid, I have seen it done.
On the desktop right click the desktop, and select “add widgets” and select the application manager you desire.
Well, thanks TaraIkeda, i did what you suggest on the KDE opensuse 11.2 liveCD. I have selected the “Application Launcher Menu” (traditional menu based application launcher) . Then it installs a strange kind of object on the desktop background : A button called “Desktop”, i can move and resize this button on the screen.
But i don’t get the result i want : a way to make appear the application launcher menu under the mouse pointer with one click anywhere on the desktop menu, as it was possible with kde3 .
The “desktop” button blob is not what i am looking for.