11.2, KDE and GTK

Sorry to raise that question again. Let us just make clear if it’s a bug (feature?) in openSUSE 11.2

To highlight the problem, I set View Background color to magenta and Window Text color to yellow in KDE. I do NOT want to apply colors to non-KDE4 applications.

http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/5906/kdeopensuse111.jpg shows normal behaviour, as in openSUS 11.1, but also in Ubuntu (Jaunty and Karmic) and Fedora.

http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6046/kdeopensuse112.jpg shows OpenSUSE 11.2 behaviour.

Gqview is just one among many GTK applications. It does affect all the others (i.e. Firefox, etc). I haven’t found a way to prevent KDE to put its colors on GTK apps.

Not sure, but you can try:
System Settings -> Look & feel -> Appearance -> Color
select the “Options” tab, and uncheck the “Apply colors to non-KDE applications”.

It is unchecked. The problem is that KDE on 11.2 doesn’t take this setting into account.

Not even after logging out and back in?

Not after logging out and back, as root or normal user, no matter how I start kde (startx, gdm, xdm), whether I changed KDE colors or not and with any Gtk theme I choose. Even not after deleting ~/.kde4 and restarting a “nacked” KDE. The Gtk theme itself is applied in both cases (as you can see on the pictures I linked to). Just the colors are overwritten by KDE. I should add that the Gtk theme and colors are working as expected in any other case (Gnome or other WMs on that machine) and KDE under openSUSE 11.1 as well. The ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 (generated by KDE while setting up colors and themes) looks a little bit weird, since it includes a system file after a user file, and the contrary would be more logical:

# This file was written by KDE
# You can edit it in the KDE control center, under "GTK Styles and Fonts"

include "/usr/local/share/themes/niglo-openSUSE/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
include "/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"

style "user-font"
        font_name="Sans Serif"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"

gtk-font-name="Sans Serif 9"

But editing that file didn’t change anything. And the choosen theme is applied anyway. So I guess this file is not the problem.

(Side note that probably won’t help, but…)

You upgraded from openSUSE 11.1 to 11.2, right ?

Do you have ~/.kde4/Autostart/gnome-settings-daemon (which is a link to /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon ) ?

This was a trick under previous version of openSUSE to load the GTK settings when starting a KDE session.
While I tried to find some more hints to help you, I discovered that this trick does not work anymore on 11.2. You can remove that link from ~/.kde4/Autostart/ if you still have it.
(Run gnome-settings-daemon from console to see why it fails.)

You upgraded from openSUSE 11.1 to 11.2, right ?

Not quite. I did a new install of 11.2 on one machine and still have 11.1 running on some others.
Uninstalling qtcurve-kde4 and qtcurve-gtk2 did fix that problem. (!)
However I will check if the gnome-settings-daemon is running in KDE and try to find out what it does.


I personally like dark themes,but using dark themes make openoffice very ugly. It won’t even show the real colors i am using. If i open a presentation file, it will show the background dark regardless of color used in presentation. So i want to use some other color themes in gtk apps just for the sake of openoffice. But in opensuse 11.2, even if i use other themes in gtk, it won’t let me use those themes. What should i do, removing qtcurve gtk and kde did not help at all.

or any suggestions for just using light colors in openoffice… manually changing the colors in kde won’t show the original colors of the document.

BTW, what is the difference between qtcurve-kde4 and qtcurve-gtk2?

one is for GTK the other for KDE4/QT4.
Anyhow I think this is a bug, but also openSUSE does not use gtk-qt but instead uses its own variant.

so do you have any suggesions to fix it even for temporarily… i am sick of this uglyness of openoffice.

Ok… if i use glossy theme for gtk apps, all of them use that theme except openoffice… ironically i was using that particular theme just because of openoffice. I think there is a bug, on openoffice-kde integration. Any one know where i can file a bug for openoffice-kde integration?

No, and the openoffice issue seems non fixable (at first) in openSUSE 11.2, and yes it seems to be a bug with openoffice and its KDE integration.
But I dont mind as I dont use openoffice that often.
Besides if i get annoyed I could install koffice.
But I could experiment a bit here if you like, I could install openoffice-gnome and remove the openoffice-kde packages…
Maybe that will work, didnt try it yet :smiley:
I hope if I install the Gnome package it will theme it like GTK, and my GTK theme is qtcurve, heres hoping!

I have never used koffice before. I am a student, i use openoffice so much for my homeworks and projects. Sometime i even have to use m$ office… because of requirements… do you think i will be ok using koffice… please share your experience.

I will give it a try, but as my finals are next week I would rather not do so right now, I dont have a lot of time to experiment.

Koffice is okay, but last time i checked it still has no .doc support.
And yeh so far none of my experiments with openoffice worked.
You could also try abiword though, abiword does work with .doc (though not .docx last time i checked) and it is GTK based, but it should theme well.
Seems like openoffice has lost its gtk package in openSUSE 11.2, shame.
But its not a GTK or QT app, it just themes as one.
But its KDE4 integration is new so bugs are expected.

Correction .docx does import in abiword now, good.
But it seems like its unstable… blargh.
Koffice seems to work but again no Microsoft support.


so do you have any suggesions to fix it even for temporarily… i am sick of this uglyness of openoffice.

  • define an environment variable for the GTK theme you want to use with openOffice. I call it $OOO_GTK2_RC in the following example:
OOO_GTK2_RC=/home/wildlinux/themes/openOffice/gtk-2.0/gtkrc ; export OOO_GTK2_RC

  • patch /usr/lib64/ooo3/program/soffice to enforce Gnome desktop behaviour under KDE and the use of your GTK theme. Here’s my patch:
    (replace ‘lib64’ with ‘lib’ in the file name and in the patch if you’re on a 32bit system)
 --- /usr/lib64/ooo3/program/soffice.orig	2009-11-01 10:40:32.000000000 -0800
+++ /usr/lib64/ooo3/program/soffice	2009-11-17 04:30:06.000000000 -0800
@@ -141,6 +141,14 @@
+# use user gtk2 theme outside of Gnome
+if  "x$OOO_GTK2_RC" != "x" -a -f $OOO_GTK2_RC ] ; then
+	export GTK2_RC_FILES
 # execute soffice binary
 "$sd_prog/$sd_binary" "$@" &
 trap 'kill -9 $!' TERM

  • Uninstall qtcurve-kde4 and qtcurve-gtk2
  • openOffice doesn’t use a lot a GTK classes. The most relevant one is GtkWindow

I patched /usr/lib64/ooo3/program/soffice as illustrated above, and did :

export OOO_GTK2_RC=/usr/share/themes/Glossy/gtk-2.0/gtkrc 

but it is not working…
I removed qtcurve-kde4 and qtcurve-gtk and restarted the computer too…

Now the school started again and my office looks terrible. Please help. The above method did not work.

Removed the ooo dirs in home… and Retried from the scratch again…
Now it works…

Thanks please_try_again