[QUOTE=AussieGuy;2169297]… some reviews have been less than laudatory: Stability 2/5 and overall 3/5 (from [
That reviewer has marked down stability, and marked it down pretty heavily, due to a boot problem that he had intermittently. That can’t be a common problem, or we would see this forum full of complaints and queries about it, but, if you try it on only one machine, and it goes badly on that machine, you have no alternative but to dock points for it - you can’t dismiss the only one that you’ve seen as a ‘one off’.
He admits not to being a KDE fan, and is not blown away by the comparison between the KDE that he got by default and Mandriva’s kde (not that SuSE’s is bad, per se, just that he had been given the expectation that it would blow Mandriva’s away, and it didn’t). I guess that I wouldn’t be blown away by a kde that looked like his screenshots, but that I would tolerate it for about 15 minutes, just as long as it takes to fix it.
At this stage, the kde that came with 11.2 is a bit old and what he’d have got if he hooked up now the factory update would have been fresher; kde is developing quite quickly, so that would have been a better experience (but, if you didn’t adjust it to your tastes, I still think that might not have done it for him).
As a habitual gnome user maybe he doesn’t have a ‘tweak things’ mindset (…although, even I would admit that if someone delivered a kde that was tolerable to me out of the box, I’d be very impressed…very, very impressed). In any case, a recent review in the Linux Format Magazine put SuSE’s KDE ahead of Mandriva’s , and that was a review with input by KDE enthusiasts.
“…this version of openSUSE acts more like a point-0 release…”
I’ve heard this point-0 releases are expected to be a bit rough around the edges quite a few times, but I don’t really notice the correlation myself; that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like a few less rough edges, just that I don’t notice point-threes to be noticeably better.
In general, although I wouldn’t claim the review was unfair or biased (he did also have some quite positive things to say) I was a bit surprised how heavily he dinged points stability and for KDE not being better than Mandriva’s. It is his review of course.
(except that on my system there’s an issue with zypper which makes zypper unusable), and I don’t really mind switching to another distribution.
While I guess that shouldn’t happen, it also means that I haven’t been looking hard enough, because I haven’t paid much attention to posts on that subject.](“Distro Review: OpenSUSE 11.2 – DanLynch.org”)