Short question: It has been possible in earlier releases to create boot floppies from CD install version, for those PCs who haven’t a bootable CD drive.
11.2 is deployed as a DVD iso, but I need CD isos for an older laptop with a bootable CD drive only, not DVD.
Is there a similar possibility for 11.2 also available?
I want a full install, not the readonly “Live” versions.
You can install from the LiveCD, even without bringing up the Live desktop, despite the name. Then you can get the rest from online repos or a remotely mounted DVD.
A warm welcome.
These days there are no “read-only” live versions. You can even do a KDE4 install from a Gnome LiveCD. They are not some kind of stripped versions. On any linux distro, you use the media to install, all the other things come from repositories on the internet.