After few reboots of openSUSE 11.1 the default wallpaper get darked and it don’t want to be colored again :\ (I haven’t change anything, I even haven’t installed drivers for video card).
Screenshot → ]( )
It happens not only on my PC…
What happens when you change the wallpaper?
Does the problem continue even after you install video driver?
I have this too on both laptop and desktop PC
also this happens in past with oS11.0
I am don’t know how to fix this…
What about other wallpapers?
December 22, 2008, 8:33am
Sounds that you discovered the feature to change the wallpaper automatically depending on the day time…
personnally I am not try other… but I try to change
it happens time to time…
And it really looks like some effect. But i am not apply any. It apeares and disappears unexpactly…
December 22, 2008, 11:45am
The default Gnome wallpaper on OS 11.1 is changing darkness according the time of the day.
It uses 4 images and by the looks of it your screenshot is from around midnight and that would be the darkest image
of them all
look under /usr/share/backgrounds/glass. It shows 4 images and a XML file witch controls the color changing of your background.
this explaine a lot
thank you very much
I found that another grass wallpaper use this technick too… So if you not tell this I’ll report that another wallpaper darness sometime for me too
Harald van Bree:
The default Gnome wallpaper on OS 11.1 is changing darkness according the time of the day.
It uses 4 images and by the looks of it your screenshot is from around midnight and that would be the darkest image
of them all
look under /usr/share/backgrounds/glass. It shows 4 images and a XML file witch controls the color changing of your background.
WOW I thought it was just a bug
Can I do such thing with a custom wallpaper?
Hmm, but is there a way to change background wallpaper it the login screen?
January 30, 2009, 5:53am
I’ve been having fits with my new pc set up. I thought the wallpaper getting darker was one of the symptoms or I had been slipped some crazy pills.
I was looking for new wallpaper designs, and when I started reading this thread, I saw the topic of the “darkening” of the initial wallpaper.
This happened to my installation, too. I was surprised. It is nice to read that it is not a flaw, but something that is built into the program.