11.1 new install - old /home

I’m currently running 10.2, and I’m ready to make the jump to 11.1.

My 10.2 install is 32 bit, and has a separate partition for /home.

My intention is to do a fresh install of 64 bit 11.1 but not format the /home partition. During install I’ll specify that partition as the /home partition for 11.1.

Will this completely bork things up or will it probably work fine (after 20 years in I.T. I know there is no 100% guarantee.)


It should be OK.

keep a backup if you can. I would also make a specific copy of your .kde or .gnome folder/s or just re-name the to eg: .kdeold

Obviously you need to use the same username initially. But if it’s a bit of a mess even with the re-name of the .kde or gnome folder. You could just create a new user and migrate stuff to there.

If you plan to use .kde4 then obviously that folder does not even exist yet. So it should be fine.

I’m going to vote against saving /home. I did just that in most of my upgrades from 8.0 thru 11.1 and this last time didn’t work out well for me. There is always some detritus left over that has the potential to cause problems. This seems especially true in 11.1 upgrades.

Save your /home somewhere else. Try the upgrade route but be prepared to redo it with a clean install.

I did it by first removing all the hidden files in my home folder so i ended up with a fresh system which still had all my old data. It seems to have worked

Thanks for the tip. I may yet have to use it to get one machine upgraded. :slight_smile: