11.1 GRUB doesn't detect Windoesn't after install?

While previous Suse versions’ (tested up to 10.2) GRUB always easily detected and integrated That Other Operating System (TO-OS) I’ve noticed that 11.1 keeps ignoring it completely no matter how often or how I’ve tried it. Only after the initial 11.1 installation it was in the GRUB boot menu but after just adjusting easy stuff like the waiting period (not manually edited but just with GRUB’s own devices) it didnd’t show up anymore and never came back either.

Is it just me who’s having this problem?

And yes, it’s the very same computer with the same harddisk and unchanged partitions like with 10.2.

It was on your Grub menu but now isn’t, and you haven’t reinstalled in between? That’s odd.

Paste the output of

cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
fdisk -l

There is a glitch with Grub that is fixed by performing a full online update using Yast → Software management → Online update.

That’s might not be the problem though, so post here the output you get from these console commands so we can see the fuller situation:

  • sudo /sbin/fdisk -l
  • sudo cat /etc/grub/menu.lst