11.1: change compiz cube caps?

I am running opensuse 11.1 w/ KDE3.5 and Compiz.
Using the Cube, I see a Chameleon picture on the top and sort of an arrow on blue background on the bottom of the cube. How can I change these cube cap pictures?
Adding png pictures to the list of cupe caps in the CompizConfig Settings does not have any effect.

Any ideas?

Did you try removing the original ones from the list?

There are no images in the list at all…
Maybe it’s hardcoded somewhere?

No, it is not hardcoded. If you open the Compiz Cube Reflection and Deformation (and not in Desktop Cube), in the Compiz Config Settings Manager, you will see in the Cube Caps tab, Appearance section the entries Top Image Files and Bottom Image Files. You must delete the filenames from these entries and put your own in there.
In the Behaviour section you can adjust the way these images appear.

That’s it! Thanks!