1000+ kworker threads, 100 second delay before gui login screen

Just updated TW (Sept 08) and now there is an almost 2 minute delay before the text screen transitions to x.org gui. I also see 1046 kworker threads in ps aux (is that normal now?? o_O). What’s going on? I don’t see any run-away processes with top during the delay. No clues in dmesg.


And now you mentioned this problem in 3! threads.
This will only annoy people…

As I replied to you in another thread:
Try to disable the ntpd service and see if it helps.


Sorry, I should have started an independent thread first, but I wanted to look around first to see if someone else identified the root cause already. Win some, lose some! =/

systemctl stop ntpd
systemctl disable ntpd

The delay is greatly reduced, only 28 kworkers after gui comes up. Thanks! rotfl!

I just read that the ntp update has been reverted.
The previous version is still in the repo, so a downgrade should fix the problem, and it shouldn’t reappear with the next snapshot which will only contain the previous/working version.

http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2016-09/msg00185.htmlIf you don’t urgently rely on ntpd, you can of course just wait for the next snapshot and run “zypper dup” then.

btw thanks for bridging the dev mailing list, and the users here in the forum. :good: