how are you today?
i installed kvm virtualization via automatic install script
i used virt-manager to make new vm
when i try to vm boot windows xp install cd cpu goes up 100% for vm process!!
also tried write back cache for cd and for disk the same result
when i try to boot an empty disk cpu goes 100% also so its not a windows problem!.
i was using linux mint on my pc first and i installed kvm with my self and everything worked fine and very very fast more than on opensuse you can say by 200%?!
but i won’t get back to linux mint for many of reasons i like opensuse.
i won’t give xen here a try because it uses its own kernel not opensuse kernel and just install driver on it like kvm.
i just need vm windows xp to open program called livezilla if you know it.
winehq can’t make it work.