I got an opensuse 10.2 on a aged desktop. Once start, it just stops at command line login prompt. I have to login and type ‘startx’ to get the GUI.
Since I haven’t used this computer for over half year. I couldn’t remember what I did last time. Any tips for this problem?
Thanks a lot!
You may want to tell us about the graphics device it has
Maybe it simply runs in runlevel 3 because you configured it as such.
grep default /etc/inittab
And I suppose you are aware of the fact that 10.2 is not supported anymore.
Thanks guys. I didn’t realise it’s 3 coz I saw somewhere I’m running at level 5. Checked /etc/inittab and changed the default runlevel to 5, done!
10.2 is really old but this desktop is an aged one and I just use it occasionally.
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