1 TB HDD in dock not being detected...help

Hi, I have just bought a 1TB 3.5inch HDD of which I have slotted into a hard drive dock which connects to my PC via USB. However my computer has not detected it. I have clicked in Yast,System, Partitioner and I can see the drive there but what am I to do? Your help would be much appreciated.

  • adstaryoung wrote, On 11/20/2009 05:36 AM:
    > I have clicked in Yast,System, Partitioner and I can
    > see the drive there but what am I to do?

It needs a file system. Partition the drive, format it with the desired file system, don’t set any mountpoints since it is a removable drive.
Does that help?


Ok, what type of file system shoud I do? It’s really just for photo’s, what do you recommend?

I had set it up as a ext3 but I wasn’t able to write to it, it was protected. I have now set it up as a vfat drive and it is working well, is there anything else I should do to the drive? or is that it?? Thanks for your help

  • adstaryoung wrote, On 11/21/2009 04:56 AM:
    > I had set it up as a ext3 but I wasn’t able to write to it, it was
    > protected. I have now set it up as a vfat drive and it is working well,
    > is there anything else I should do to the drive? or is that it?? Thanks
    > for your help

No, that’s it. vfat is IMHO a good choice for a removable HD. This way you can exchange files between Windows and Linux.


Ohh, great I’m done then. Thanks from Adam