no usb mouse nor usb keyboard at boot


since a week or so, I have no more working usb mouse and keyboard (separate, wired ones) on my Leap 15.3.

The curious thing is that if I first boot an old 15.1 install, mouse and keyboard works, and if I just reboot on 15.3 (not power off), mouse and keyboard start working in 15.3.

So on the morning I have to first start 15.1 (no need to login), and reboot on 15.3. odd.

of course the two devices used to work since ages and still works after the double boot.*

looks like some thing on the device is not correctly initalized (firmware?)

devices are:

Bus 002 Device 010: ID 0461:0010 Primax Electronics, Ltd HP PR1101U / Primax PMX-KPR1101U Keyboard
Bus 002 Device 009: ID 093a:2510 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Optical Mouse

Xorg logs

what may I do to help?

Nothing in the system BIOS that may have changed with regard to power settings? This system is just booting openSUSE distributions?

the system have no problem: I have the keyboard working in grub :-(, and both windows and openSUSE 15.1 boot restore the mouse.keyboard working since next shutdown (reboot is ok).

I try to use a much older kernel and I report :slight_smile:


Does it work if you go back to the previous 15.3 kernel?

Grub should show you the previous kernel as a choice.

for 15.3 - 5.3.18-59.34 is the current and 5.3.18-59.27 is the previous one.

if so fill a bug report in bugzilla.

I confirm that the oldest kernel I found is ok. I have access to mouse and keyboard at kde boot time. It’s 5.3.18-59.10

may be I should open a bug report :frowning:
