gsmartcontrol doesn't start

Hi, guys!
I was looking for a good testing disk software and I found gsmartcontrol… so I installed it. However, when I give the order to open it up, nothing happens. I tried to start it using the terminal, but this is what I got:

What could it be?

Just start it via you start menu, press the Start menu button and type gsmartcontrol

sudo gsmartcontrol reports that in cannot open a display because the DISPLAY environment variable from your bash session is not passed to the sudo root session.

It is working with root, but not with sudo.

Thats why I say:
do not use** sudo**, its not configured as in other distributions and no replacement for su -l

It’s the same… nothing happens either way.

Once more:
You can not run smartcontrol as user or with sudo.

ich@linux64:~> su -l
linux64:~ # gsmartcontrol

sudo in openSUSE is no proper way to get root privileges.
Only **su **will do that.

I think you misunderstood marel’s post. It seems you typed gsmartcontrol in the Terminal, but you’re supposed to use the start menu of your DE:

Just start it via you start menu, press the Start menu button and type gsmartcontrol

Did you try that? At terminal output isn’t to be to exepcted in that case. If it didn’t work, you might have a different problem.

Just tried it here (Thanks for the hint, BTW) on 15.2 / KDE. Works nicely. (With sudo I’m getting the same error, of course.) IMHO, it’s a graphical program so why not use the start menue?

What does work here, if you still want to run it from the Terminal as user:

kdesu gsmartcontrol

For GNOME there’s a similar command - I can’t try that.

Or the command in the desktop file and used by plasma:

grep -iB2 exec  /usr/share/applications/gsmartcontrol.desktop 

# Run with root permissions.

That way it starts normally:

Through the menu it doesn’t start… I keep waiting for the program to pops up, but it doesn’t show up at all.

I’m gonna try that command. Thanks!

The normal command to start gsmartcontrol is as user:


That will open automatically a password prompt for the root password.

You can use copy/paste for your terminal output, no need for a snapshot…

I’ll check that out. Thanks!

I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks!

GSmartControl is a graphical user interface for smartctl (from smartmontools package)