Install opensuse alongside Windows and Debian.

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a nice life! :slight_smile:

First time posting here. I’d like some assistance in how to install SUSE alongside Windows and Debian Testing. I searched the forum and the web but couldn’t find anything but dual boot and that I’m already doing that: Windows 7 64bit & Debian Testing 64bit on KDE Plasma 5.20.5 with kernel 5.10.0-4-amd64 x86_64. Now, I’d like to install Suse too.
Disk/partition layout:

lsblk /dev/sda 
sda      8:0    0 232,9G  0 disk  
├─sda1   8:1    0   100M  0 part /boot/efi 
├─sda2   8:2    0   128M  0 part  
├─sda3   8:3    0  58,2G  0 part  
├─sda4   8:4    0 112,3G  0 part  
├─sda5   8:5    0  58,2G  0 part / 
└─sda6   8:6    0     4G  0 part [SWAP]

Windows 7 is installed in sda3 and Debian in sda5. I’d install SUSE in sda4. I already downloaded openSUSE-Leap-15.2-KDE-Live-x86_64-Build31.376-Media.iso

What I’m not sure about is how to deal with the efi partition, do I have to create one for SUSE? Can anybody point me in the right direction on how to proceed? Thanks in advance for all your answers.

Hello and welcome here.

You say SUSE, but do you mean openSUSE? In that case you are at the correct forum, but when you mean SUSE (SLED/SLED), you are wrong here.

It should be find to use the existing EFI partition, assuming that it isn’t full. However, the installer will complain that it is too small (smaller than 256M). You can ignore the complaint. But you will have to use the expert partitioner (with existing partitions), and tell it to mount your EFI partition at “/boot/efi”. When it complains, just click the “continue” button.

I now see that later you explain you downloaded openSUSE15.2, thus that is settled then. But please reimnd it is openSUSE, not SUSE, nor Suse (as you type later in the thread). :wink:

Take care that when you say you want to install openSUSE in sda4, you then have to tell openSUSE that you want to use that partition for the / file system. The installer will assume that that is not free space. I do not know if there is free space on the disk (your lsblk has no sizes), but it will offer you a partition based on free space, thus you have to adapt that offer to your liking during installation. When there is no free space at all, the installer may tell you so and refuse to carry on.

Thanks for your reply. Yeah, I meant OpenSuse, it’s just this language tool thing. I’ve no idea what SLED/SLED is.

It should be find to use the existing EFI partition, assuming that it isn’t full. However, the installer will complain that it is too small (smaller than 256M). You can ignore the complaint. But you will have to use the expert partitioner (with existing partitions), and tell it to mount your EFI partition at “/boot/efi”. When it complains, just click the “continue” button.

Ok, will look into that. Thank you very much for the helpful reply.

Well, this is bit off-topic then, but SLED is SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and SLES is SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Instead of explaining more myself I simply point to Wikipedia:

SUSE Linux Ente]( [b]Desktop.

openSUSE is the only correct way to spell openSUSE. You won’t find it any other way on, or, except where its spelling is explained (or in URLs). :wink:

Thanks for your reply. sda4 has 112 GB of space available. my lsblk does have sizes, maybe you missed them.

Well, this is bit off-topic then, but SLED is SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and SLES is SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Instead of explaining more myself I simply point to Wikipedia:…rprise_Desktop…erprise_Server

SUSE Linux Ente]( [b]Desktop.

openSUSE is the only correct way to spell openSUSE. You won’t find it any other way on, or, except where its spelling is explained (or in URLs).

Ah yeah, I know about those. I know it’s openSUSE, like I said, it’s the language tool extension doing its thing. I have two more questions:

  1. sda4 has 112 GB, how much space would openSUSE needs to install? Can I resize that to say, half?
  2. I remember installing Leap 12, 4-5 years ago, but I used the DVD back then, which has everything to do an offline install, so I was wondering if the openSUSE-Leap-15.2-KDE-Live-x86_64-Build31.376-Media.iso does that as well, or does it need to be online to download stuff for a proper install?

Thank you all for your answers. :slight_smile:

The size of the KDE live iso is less than 1 GiB so it is very likely you must be online. You can also download the install iso and make it a bootable USB device:
Then you can tell the installer not to add the repos and thus not to download the updated versions.
The minimum size for SDA4 depends on your what you are planning. The official recommendation is 40 GB. But this may be quite “tight” if you want to include your /home/ with lots of stuff and use snapshots. You can search the forum, there is quite a number of threads on this issue.

Thanks for your reply. Yeah, I figured that much, that it’s a bit of a “netinstall” but though of asking anyway, just in case. I burnt the .iso file to a USB, booted it up and launched the installer, I wasn’t planning on install just right there, I just wanted to take a look, get some screenshots and come back here with specific questions, and I do have a few after seeing that scary-cool but complete installer.
First, I got this error

Which I think has something to do with the fact that I hadn’t enabled my WiFi yet, because I aborted, enabled it, then launched it again and it didn’t appear. Am I right? I checked the file **y2log **and this is what I found “near the end”:

2021-03-13 14:25:06 [zypp++] Request to release media - not attached; eject '' 
2021-03-13 14:25:06 [zypp++] Close to access handler using id 21 requested 
2021-03-13 14:25:06 [zypp++] Request to release media - not attached; eject '' 
2021-03-13 14:25:06 [zypp] Close: http( not attached; localRoot "") (OK) 
2021-03-13 14:25:06 [zypp++] Request to release media - not attached; eject '' 
2021-03-13 14:25:06 [zypp++] MediaHandler - checking if to remove attach point 
2021-03-13 14:25:26 [qt-ui]  QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread 
2021-03-13 14:25:30 [Y2Ruby] binary/ Shutting down ruby interpreter. 
2021-03-13 14:25:32 [Y2Perl] Shutting down embedded Perl interpreter.  
2021-03-13 14:25:30 [Y2Ruby] binary/ Shutting down ruby interpreter.  
2021-03-13 14:25:32 [Y2Perl] Shutting down embedded Perl interpreter.

Is this something known? Should I file a bug? Has it been reported already? I didn’t check the forum, sorry about that.
Now, I get to the **partition process **and am not sure what I must do here:

As you can see in the image above, an EFI partition is created, but I don’t think I need that. Should I choose **start with existing partitions **instead of proposal? If I do, this is what I see

How should I proceed here? Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Yes, you should start with existing partitions.

Select “/dev/sda4” (as you have done), and click “Modify”. That should allow you to set it to be formatted, and to specify which file system. Set it to be mounted at “/”.

Then select “/dev/sda1” and set it to be mounted at “/boot/efi” but DO NOT FORMAT.

Perhaps also select “/dev/sda6” and set it to be mounted as swap.

When you click “Accept” it will complain about the EFI partition being smaller than 256M. Ignore the complaint, and click “Continue” (I think that’s what the option is).

What works best here is the netinstall with an ethernet cable connecting the machine with the router. Tested that with many Linux distributions. Even a first time ever install from the Windows 10 iso worked well without raising any questions. Did a Leap install last Friday which worked without any glitches:

I prefer expert partitioner over the other options, as these can be confusing. A new install requires a minimum of two actions: 1. mount the existing EFI system partition. 2. create a system partition using defaults; don’t reuse existing partitions, but delete them and have expert partitioner create them again.

I always select expert partitioner and use existing partitions, but only to specify mount points. All my partitioning is literally logged in advance of beginning installation to my exact specifications. Here is a sample log of deleting a partition and creating a larger one:

Creating new log  : '/pub/dfsL083.log' (7-bit ASCII)
Working directory : /pub

     Registration : DFSee 16.x reg-nr for ''
     RgKey status : This is a permanent key for 16.x, it will not expire.

ReadWrite Store A : PhysDisk : 1 PartId 00 = --   mode=FDISK     20210314-052457  
RC:0      <Enter> : 0x00000000   up=0x00000000  this=0x00000000  Base=0x00000000  Xtra=0x00000000
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

DFSee  invocation : ./dfsee -7
Working directory : /pub

     Registration : DFSee 16.x reg-nr for '': 1287205465
     RgKey status : This is a permanent key for 16.x, it will not expire.

                   Fsys Software - https: //

      DFSee Linux : 16.7 2020-11-11 (c) 1994-2020: Jan van Wijk   (32-bit)
     TxWin UI Lib : 6.05 2020-04-01 (c) 1995-2020: Fsys Software
     OS   version : Linux   5.10.16 (x86_64) openSUSE Tumbleweed
     Current user : root on ab250 using TERM=xterm

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

DFSee Linux  16.7 : Executing: map -M -m
Command timestamp : Sunday 2021-03-14 05:24:57

 DFSee  OS  Image filename or
nr type nr  (Unix) device plus optional partitionable media description or identification info from the OS.
== ==== ==  ===============================================================================================
 1 Phys  9  /dev/nvme0n1  ZTC-PCIEG3-128G

Number of disks   : 1

 Disk 1 L-Geo from: GPT table, likely 1-MiB cylinders (GPT guard present in MBR)
Disk 1    forcing : cylinders from    122104 to    122105
 L-Geo Disk 1 Cyl :   122105 H: 64 S:32  Bps:512   Size:0x0EE7C800 =   119.2 GiB
 S-Geo Disk 1 Cyl :   122104 H: 64 S:32  Bps:512   Size:0x0EE7C000 =   119.2 GiB
 MBR crc 054b4eb9 : 0x0c8ca699 = DFSee generic bootcode, US-English, I13X

+-[GPT disk  1]--[/dev/nvme0n1]--[ZTC-PCIEG3-128G     ]------------------------------------------------+
| |   |+==++==++==++==++==++=================++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==+|   ||
| |   ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||                 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||   ||
|m|1  ||1 ||2 ||3 ||4 ||5 ||6                ||7 ||8 ||9 ||10||11||12||13||14||15||16||17||18||19||20 ||
|b|   ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||                 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||   ||
|r|Fsp||FA||SW||EX||EX||EX||EXT4             ||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||EX||un||Fsp||
| |   ||ZM||SW||zm||zm||zm||zm2p06pub        ||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||zm||  ||   ||
| |GPT||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||                 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||GPT||
| |hdr|+==++==++==++==++==++=================++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==+|pta||

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

DFSee Linux  16.7 : Executing: fdisk -r- -w-
Command timestamp : Sunday 2021-03-14 05:24:57
|ID |ux|Dr|Type, description|Format  |Related |VolumeLabel|OS2-LVM/BM / GPT / Crypt / addit|  Size MiB |
+--[/dev/nvme0n1 GPT disk  1]--------+--------+-----------[ZTC-PCIEG3-128G     ]-----------+-----------+
|01 |  |  |Fsp + GPT hdr/pta|-- -- --|-- -- --|- - - - - -|Size 0x7de sectors              |        1.0|
|01 | 1|  |EFI System  (ESP)|FAT32   |mkfs.fat|ZM2P01ESP  |ZM2P01 EFI System (ESP)         |      320.0|
|02 | 2|  |Linux Swap       |SWAP    |LinuxV1 |SWAPSPACE2 |ZM2P02 Linux Swap               |     1752.0|
|03 | 3|  |Linux Data       |EXT2    |Linux   |zm2p03res  |ZM2P03 Linux reservation        |      400.0|
|04 | 4|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p04usrlc|ZM2P04 Linux /usr/local         |     4000.0|
|05 | 5|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p05home |ZM2P05 Linux /home              |     6400.0|
|06 | 6|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p06pub  |ZM2P06 Linux /pub               |    12600.0|
|07 | 7|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p07stw  |ZM2P07 openSUSE Tumbleweed      |     8000.0|
|08 | 8|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p08s150 |ZM2P08 openSUSE 15.0            |     8000.0|
|09 | 9|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p09s151 |ZM2P09 openSUSE 15.1            |     8000.0|
|10 |10|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p10deb10|ZM2P10 Debian 10 Buster         |     8000.0|
|11 |11|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p11s152 |ZM2P11 openSUSE 15.2            |     8000.0|
|12 |12|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p12ub200|ZM2P12 Tubuntu 2004 Focal       |     8000.0|
|13 |13|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p13mint1|ZM2P13 LinuxMint 19 XFCE        |     8000.0|
|14 |14|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p14deb11|ZM2P14 Debian 11 Bullseye       |     8000.0|
|15 |15|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p15f33  |ZM2P15 Fedora 33                |     8000.0|
|16 |16|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p16s152 |ZM2P16 Linux 15.2 copied from gb|     8000.0|
|17 |17|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p17ub180|ZM2P17 Tubuntu 1804 Bionic      |     8000.0|
|18 |18|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p18f34  |ZM2P18 Fedora 34                |     8000.0|
|19 |19|  |Linux Data       |unknown |Linux   |           |New: Linux Data                 |      320.0|
|20 |  |  |Fsp + GPT pta/hdr|-- -- --|-- -- --|- - - - - -|Size 0x9ba8f sectors            |      311.3|
   > = Active/Startable * = Bootable r = Removable R = Removable+Active/Bootable (possibly)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

DFSee Linux  16.7 : Executing: part -t-
Command timestamp : Sunday 2021-03-14 05:24:57

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

DFSee Linux  16.7 : Executing: delete 19
Command timestamp : Sunday 2021-03-14 05:25:04

Partition 19 disk 1, unknown
Label  by Linux
GPT type: Linux Data        named 'New: Linux Data'
Partition size: 0x000A0000 =   320.0 MiB

Delete this partition ? [Y/N] : y
GPT info written successfully to primary and alternate location on disk 1.

Partition deleted, GPT partition-table entry set to all zero's
Execute autoshow  : 'part -r -d:1  -Only!'
|ID |ux|Dr|Type, description|Format  |Related |VolumeLabel|OS2-LVM/BM / GPT / Crypt / addit|  Size MiB |
+--[/dev/nvme0n1 GPT disk  1]--------+--------+-----------[ZTC-PCIEG3-128G     ]-----------+-----------+
|01 |  |  |Fsp + GPT hdr/pta|-- -- --|-- -- --|- - - - - -|Size 0x7de sectors              |        1.0|
|01 | 1|  |EFI System  (ESP)|FAT32   |mkfs.fat|ZM2P01ESP  |ZM2P01 EFI System (ESP)         |      320.0|
|02 | 2|  |Linux Swap       |SWAP    |LinuxV1 |SWAPSPACE2 |ZM2P02 Linux Swap               |     1752.0|
|03 | 3|  |Linux Data       |EXT2    |Linux   |zm2p03res  |ZM2P03 Linux reservation        |      400.0|
|04 | 4|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p04usrlc|ZM2P04 Linux /usr/local         |     4000.0|
|05 | 5|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p05home |ZM2P05 Linux /home              |     6400.0|
|06 | 6|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p06pub  |ZM2P06 Linux /pub               |    12600.0|
|07 | 7|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p07stw  |ZM2P07 openSUSE Tumbleweed      |     8000.0|
|08 | 8|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p08s150 |ZM2P08 openSUSE 15.0            |     8000.0|
|09 | 9|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p09s151 |ZM2P09 openSUSE 15.1            |     8000.0|
|10 |10|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p10deb10|ZM2P10 Debian 10 Buster         |     8000.0|
|11 |11|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p11s152 |ZM2P11 openSUSE 15.2            |     8000.0|
|12 |12|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p12ub200|ZM2P12 Tubuntu 2004 Focal       |     8000.0|
|13 |13|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p13mint1|ZM2P13 LinuxMint 19 XFCE        |     8000.0|
|14 |14|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p14deb11|ZM2P14 Debian 11 Bullseye       |     8000.0|
|15 |15|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p15f33  |ZM2P15 Fedora 33                |     8000.0|
|16 |16|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p16s152 |ZM2P16 Linux 15.2 copied from gb|     8000.0|
|17 |17|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p17ub180|ZM2P17 Tubuntu 1804 Bionic      |     8000.0|
|18 |18|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p18f34  |ZM2P18 Fedora 34                |     8000.0|
|19 |  |  |Fsp + GPT pta/hdr|-- -- --|-- -- --|- - - - - -|Size 0x13ba8f sectors           |      631.3|
   > = Active/Startable * = Bootable r = Removable R = Removable+Active/Bootable (possibly)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2

ReadWrite Store A : PhysDisk : 1 PartId 00 = --   mode=FDISK     20210314-052505  
RC:0      <Enter> : 0x00000000   up=0x00000000  this=0x00000000  Base=0x00000000  Xtra=0x0EE7C2AF
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

DFSee Linux  16.7 : Executing: cr gpt linux 400
Command timestamp : Sunday 2021-03-14 05:25:14
Specified    size : 0x000C8000 =   400.0 MiB
Aligned  end  Fsp : 0x0000028F =   327.5 KiB     from end-Fsp to end last MiB.
Found fsp-area 19 : 0x0013B800 =   631.0 MiB     type: Fsp + GPT pta/hdr
Aligned PART size : 0x000C8000 =   400.0 MiB
New part position : 0x00000000 =     0.0 KiB     after BEGIN freespace

CREATE gpt 'Linux Data' 400 0 

Freespace ID 19   :    631.0 MiB disk 1
Linux Data        :    400.0 MiB named 'New: Linux Data'

Create the partition as shown ? [Y/N] : y

Using PTA entry # : 18 for new GPT partition New: Linux Data
Writing the modified GPT header and partition table array for disk 1.
GPT info written successfully to primary and alternate location on disk 1.

Create partition  : successful
New selectable as : 19 and set as default for 'part .'

Execute autoshow  : 'part -r -d:1  -Only!'
|ID |ux|Dr|Type, description|Format  |Related |VolumeLabel|OS2-LVM/BM / GPT / Crypt / addit|  Size MiB |
+--[/dev/nvme0n1 GPT disk  1]--------+--------+-----------[ZTC-PCIEG3-128G     ]-----------+-----------+
|01 |  |  |Fsp + GPT hdr/pta|-- -- --|-- -- --|- - - - - -|Size 0x7de sectors              |        1.0|
|01 | 1|  |EFI System  (ESP)|FAT32   |mkfs.fat|ZM2P01ESP  |ZM2P01 EFI System (ESP)         |      320.0|
|02 | 2|  |Linux Swap       |SWAP    |LinuxV1 |SWAPSPACE2 |ZM2P02 Linux Swap               |     1752.0|
|03 | 3|  |Linux Data       |EXT2    |Linux   |zm2p03res  |ZM2P03 Linux reservation        |      400.0|
|04 | 4|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p04usrlc|ZM2P04 Linux /usr/local         |     4000.0|
|05 | 5|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p05home |ZM2P05 Linux /home              |     6400.0|
|06 | 6|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p06pub  |ZM2P06 Linux /pub               |    12600.0|
|07 | 7|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p07stw  |ZM2P07 openSUSE Tumbleweed      |     8000.0|
|08 | 8|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p08s150 |ZM2P08 openSUSE 15.0            |     8000.0|
|09 | 9|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p09s151 |ZM2P09 openSUSE 15.1            |     8000.0|
|10 |10|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p10deb10|ZM2P10 Debian 10 Buster         |     8000.0|
|11 |11|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p11s152 |ZM2P11 openSUSE 15.2            |     8000.0|
|12 |12|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p12ub200|ZM2P12 Tubuntu 2004 Focal       |     8000.0|
|13 |13|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p13mint1|ZM2P13 LinuxMint 19 XFCE        |     8000.0|
|14 |14|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p14deb11|ZM2P14 Debian 11 Bullseye       |     8000.0|
|15 |15|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p15f33  |ZM2P15 Fedora 33                |     8000.0|
|16 |16|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p16s152 |ZM2P16 Linux 15.2 copied from gb|     8000.0|
|17 |17|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p17ub180|ZM2P17 Tubuntu 1804 Bionic      |     8000.0|
|18 |18|  |Linux Data       |EXT4    |Linux   |zm2p18f34  |ZM2P18 Fedora 34                |     8000.0|
|19 |19|  |Linux Data       |unknown |Linux   |           |New: Linux Data                 |      400.0|
|20 |  |  |Fsp + GPT pta/hdr|-- -- --|-- -- --|- - - - - -|Size 0x73a8f sectors            |      231.3|
   > = Active/Startable * = Bootable r = Removable R = Removable+Active/Bootable (possibly)

________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2

ReadWrite Store A : PhysDisk : 1 PartId 00 = --   mode=FDISK     20210314-052515  
RC:0      <Enter> : 0x00000000   up=0x00000000  this=0x00000000  Base=0x00000000  Xtra=0x0EE7C2AF
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

Closing logfile   : '/pub/dfsL083.log'

The logs I edit down to just the disk ID, geo and the tables to use as inventory of what operating systems I have installed on which PCs.

Thank you. This is exactly what I needed as I wasn’t sure which partitioning method I should use.

What works best here is the netinstall with an ethernet cable connecting the machine with the router.
I do have the netinstall.iso and in fact, I used that one to install openSUSE in a VM, but it takes quite a while(my connection isn’t as fast as I wanted it to, max speed I can get in a “good” day is around 400-500 kbps, otherwise is usually 300-400 kbps) that’s why I chose to use something else. By the way, and sorry to keep bothering with questions, but getting to the “System Role” aprt, I see there’s a “generic desktop; graphical system with reduced package set” I think I have to choose KDE since the .iso file is the KDE one, but was wonderiing if I can select that and KDE will still be the desktop, or that will install a different DE? Thanks again for all your help! :slight_smile:

Desktops available:

**erlangen:~ #** zypper se --type pattern|grep Desktop 
   | cinnamon                     | Cinnamon **Desktop** Environment                          | pattern 
   | gnome                        | GNOME **Desktop** Environment (Wayland)                   | pattern 
   | gnome_basic                  | GNOME **Desktop** Environment (Basic)                     | pattern 
   | gnome_x11                    | GNOME **Desktop** Environment (X11)                       | pattern 
i+ | kde                          | KDE Applications and Plasma 5 **Desktop**                 | pattern 
i  | kde_plasma                   | KDE Plasma 5 **Desktop** Base                             | pattern 
   | lxde                         | LXDE **Desktop** Environment                              | pattern 
   | lxqt                         | LXQt **Desktop** Environment                              | pattern 
   | mate                         | MATE **Desktop** Environment                              | pattern 
   | microos_gnome_desktop        | MicroOS GNOME **Desktop**                                 | pattern 
   | microos_kde_desktop          | MicroOS KDE Plasma **Desktop**                            | pattern 
   | xfce                         | XFCE **Desktop** Environment                              | pattern 
i  | yast2_desktop                | YaST **Desktop** Utilities                                | pattern 
**erlangen:~ #**

I meant here

Since I’m using the **kde-live-media.iso **I suppose I should select **KDE, **but am wondering if selecting the **generic desktop **option will still keep **KDE **as my desktop, which is what I want, or if it will install something else instead of that, which is not what I want and would like to avoid. I guess the safest and probably only choice to make so I get exactly what I want; openSUSE with KDE Plasma as the Desktop, is simply to choose the first option, but I’d also like to know if by choosing generic I’ll still get plasma with a “reduced package set as a base for a customized software selection” and was wondering if you guys know whether that’d be case or not. Thanks for all your answers.

Generic is without any of the DEs mentioned. As far as I understand it it is more or less only X.

If you want a full functional desk top KDE plasma. The reduced one is just that command line with some desktop functions. ie a special case install. Note once installed you can install other desktops if you want from Yast or zypper

In that case it may be better not to add the repos. When the installer is asking you can uncheck that box. Otherwise it will download all available updates for chosen packages - which can be a lot. It is more convenient to install offline first. Then you can set up the system to your liking and add other repos for multimedia etc. (e.g. Packman). Then you can let the update run - if necessary over night.