Installtion Error

During the installation of Tumbleweed I got the following error:

file://home/damian/Downloads/Telegram Desktop/photo_2020-06-13_07-33-11.jpg

I used:

What can I do to get rid of this error?

Thanks for your help

Here again the error messages. The upload of the images didn’t work for some reason:


Internal error. Please report a bug report with logs
Run save_y2logs to get complete logs.

Caller: /mounts/mp_0001/usr/share/YaST2/lib/yast2/systemd/target.rb:52:in undef_method

Details: undefined method start' for class YaST2::Systemd::Target’


Internal error. Please report a bug report with logs
Run save_y2logs to get complete logs.

Caller: /mounts/mp_0001/usr/share/YaST2/lib/yast2/installation/clients/inst_finish.rb:547:in block in keep_only_valid_steps

Details: undefined method ] for false:FalseClass

Just a forums usage remark (sorry can not help with the problem, but others will come to the rescue I hope).

You can upload images to , and then use the URL of the page (not of the image) in your post (the globe button in the tool bar).

Thank you very much for the hint.

Here now with the images.

Unfortunately, those don’t provide a lot of information.

If possible, please file a bug report.

That may mean repeating the install until you get to that error point.

When you see the error, use CTRL-ALT-F2 which should give you a command line prompt.

Next, run


as suggested. That will save to a temporary file, and give you the name of the file. Then you will need to mount some file system where you can copy it to a more permanent place.

You can maybe plug in a USB flash drive and mount that. If you are installing from a flash drive, you probably can’t use that drive to save the logs. So try a different flash drive. After plugging in, use:

ls -l /dev/sd?

to try to recognize the drive that you just plugged in. If it is “/dev/sdb” then you could probably mount with

mkdir /tmp/x
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/x

Another possibility is that there might be a partition on your hard drive that you can use to save the logs. On a UEFI box, I would try the EFI partition which usually has enough free space.

When done saving logs, umount that partition where you saved them. And then you can reboot or force power off or use CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to graphic screen and abort the install.

I tired to file the bug with the log, but I got the following error on bugzilla:

Software error:Malformed multipart POST: data truncated

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Can I also upload the log here?

I’m not sure what would cause that. Seems like a browser error. Or maybe you were posting from Windows, and that bungled binary files.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Oops. Assuming you used “”, that’s a stale email address that should have been updated to not mention

Can I also upload the log here?

That wouldn’t be useful. The log needs to get to the Yast development team. They look at bugzilla.

Got the same problem. 20200612 installation media.

There seem to be several people with that problem. See the bug report link in the post above yours.