Dual boot with with Windows-10: Updating of Kernel has changed the boot-loader settings.

Hi All,

On Dell Inspiron Laptop, Gnome Desktop Environment, the system was dual-booted with Windows-10. On normal online periodic update by the Package Updater, the Kernel was updated.
But on reboot, I find that the Grub setting installed during original installation has been changed. The Grub Menu no longer includes Windows 10. So I cannot boot into windows.
Help needed to restore my original Grub setting. I have no idea how to edit Grub.

Shall be grateful for guidance.



If you fire up YaST Boot Loader and check on the last tab and ensure ‘probe foreign os’ has a check in the checkbox and save.

Hi Malcolm,

Thanks a lot for your lightening fast reply. It worked like a shot. Great!!
