Installing MinimWatch and I get "unable to create tray icon"

Running on Leap 42.3 with KDE desktop and after following the minimwatch installation instructions and logging back in I received the message:-

unable to create tray icon

Strange because I didn’t get this on my Leap 15.0 laptop.
The installation instructions advise:-

If you’re using GNOME Shell 3.26 or later (for example, on Ubuntu 17.10 or later), install the GNOME Shell extension TopIcons Plus before installing MinimWatch. If you don’t install TopIcons Plus, you will get a message “unable to create tray icon” when you launch MinimWatch.

What is the equivalent of Topicons for my KDE desktop please?


Since Minimserver/Minimwatch appears to be closed source, so you’ll need to ask them anything about their products.
Tchnically, because this is openSUSE, you can install Gnome Shell in your KDE system although it’ll likely bring in a ton of Gnome packages, and then you can add the TopIcons package.

There does seem to be a published docker container, it ordinarily should have everything to run in it.


Hi Tsu and thanks for the reply.

I understand your point and I too have been puzzled by why what worked in Leap 15 did not in Leap 42.3.

On a hunch I turned off the firewall and that solved my problem. I had been able to find and set the upnp-client service on firewalld which installed on Leap 15 and worked but in my ignorance have not been able to fix the correct settings for the firewall in Leap 42.3.
If you have time and inclination I would appreciate some guidance but it may be OT here for you.
Thanks again for your reply.