KDE UI looks bad and missing scrollbars on some Desktop Settings KCM modules ...

On some of the (KDE) Desktop Settings KCM modules the UI looks very odd and/or has missing scrollbars.

Here for example is System Settings -> Desktop Behaviour -> Desktops Effects missing it’s vertical scrollbar


This it seems is due to a missing “qqc2-desktop-style”, which is currently not a dependency.

paul@Orion-15:~$ rpm -q --whatrequires qqc2-desktop-style
no package requires qqc2-desktop-style
paul@Orion-15:~$ rpm -q --whatrecommends qqc2-desktop-style
no package recommends qqc2-desktop-style

It should be fixed in the Plasma 5.16 release, but prior to that you may wish to install the package.


Okay, I am currently looking at that screen (Desktop Effects settings).

There’s a blurry smudge mark at the right edge. If I move my mouse over that smudge mark, it turns into a vertical scroll bar. But maybe that depends on graphic driver.

I’ll note that vertical scrolling with the mouse wheel is fine.

All of this is in a VM. I have not checked on real hardware yet.

I will probably wait for the fix to show up. I mostly use Leap 15.0 anyway.

I wasn’t seeing the scrollbar on mouse-over, it did however appear whilst scrolling with the mouse wheel…

The missing package, “qqc2-desktop-style”, is in the standard OSS repository, it’s just that it’s not installed as plasma didn’t have it marked as a dependency.

Checking that VM where I saw a blurry smudge – it turns out that “qqc2-desktop-style” is already installed there. It was probably pulled in as a recommend. If I tell Yast to remove it, then it does not popup a conflict. So it isn’t there as a dependency.