Latest Tumbleweed. SSH doesn't start after update

hello, Yesterday server was updated to latest version of Tumbleweed. 20190312. and sshd service didn’t start. SSH config is default.

sshd /lib64/ version XCRYPT_2.0 not found (required by sshd)

Please, could somebody help how to resolve this issue.

How? With zypper dup?

And where/when did you get/see that?

zypper update && reboot

I can see error when try to start sshd

systectl start sshd
journald -xe


sshd --version

sshd start failed

As the only supported way of updating Tumbleweed is

zypper dup

you better dio that first and then try again if it still does not work.

I’m not having a problem with “ssh” here.

As Henk suggested, your problem is an incomplete update, due to using “zypper update” when you should use “zypper dup”. The result is that you have a library incompatibility. So fix that (by running “zypper dup”), then reboot and see if “sshd” starts up.

Thank you. zypper dup && reboot helped

That is fine. Thanks for reporting back.

sshd /lib64/ version XCRYPT_2.0 not found (required by sshd)did the zypper dup and reboot, same error

zypper in -f openssh and reboot same error

any other suggestions?


Again, I’m not having problems here. That message suggests an incompatible library.

What’s the output from

zypper lr -d