AutoYast Opensuse 15 - problem with installation from USB key


I’ve got a problem with autoyast

I’m trying to add offline repository to orginal OpenSUSE DVD ISO.

mkdir /addons
zypper install -d mc htop rsyslog etc

all packages are downloaded and stored in /var/cache/zypp

cp -R * /var/cache/zypp/ /addons

cd /addons

createrepo .

  1. This solution works with iso file and installation on Virtualbox/VMware workstation:

Add this to autoyast.xml

<add_on_products config:type=“list”>
When i try to to burn iso file to a usb key installation failed with message:

Unable to create repository from URL hd:///?device=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-gereral_flash_disk

I’m not able to install system from usb key :frowning: When i try to change CDATA dvd:// to other for example: usb: /dev/sda - still installation failed

Can you help me?