Leap 15 KDE login

Does anyone know the secret sauce for getting rid of the user listing in the login screen?
For security reasons I do not want all possible valid userid’s to be visible. Why anyone would is beyond me.

System settings>Start up and shutdown>Login screen

There is a choice - Elarun and Maldives show the last user login but not the whole list. There is also a Get new theme option which I have not tried which may offer other alternatives.

Apparently what was easy to do in earlier releases (configuring kdm could simply be done from KDE’s Settings), isn’t anymore.

KDE now uses another DM (that lacks such, for many crucial. features), but you can still use kdm and configure it.

First install kdm (if not already there) with YaST > Software Management or zypper.

Then switch to it with

update-alternatives --config default-displaymanager

You get a list where you can choose kdm from.

Configure kdm in the file /usr/share/kde4/config/kdm/kdmrc
The one you asked for is


I also have


And you may want to set a language like I have


Uggh. I see we are back to a KDE ‘rebuilding’ period.
I tried switching to Elarun and Maldives and neither show where
my cursor is nor do they show the password being typed. You only know you
entered something if you ‘tab’ off the field. Had to hit enter twice to get it to
accept the password. So basically the only usable theme is the shipped one.
Unusability gurus strike again.

I would rather stick with what is shipped but it looks like I’ll be loading kdm.

Henk, do you know of a way to get kdm themes into this version? Unfortunately since SDDM was chosen
as the default for OS, it looks like they designed all the supporting apps around it as well. I downloaded a theme
and put it under /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes, put the path in kdmrc but it just barfed when I rebooted it and
dumped me into a shell. Set kdmrc back and now I’m at an Elarun themed login running under kdm. At least the userlist
is gone. :wink:

Well Henk,

I am going to roll back to SDDM and simply tweak one of the themes to omit the user listing.
I feel like I am getting too far off base as it is obvious to me that OS is moving in another direction
away from KDM. Hopefully they will restore lost functionality but I have my doubts. After all, if you can make
a decision for yourself it is deemed a usability problem…

This has nothing to do with openSUSE specifically though.

I tried that, in a VM. And it was terrible. I could not tell where I was typing. After a couple of attempts to login, I gave up.

So I use CTRL-ALT-F1 to get a command line login. And then I changed to using XDM. After that, I could now login with XDM, and then undo the SDDM theme. And now I’m back at SDDM.

However, I’ll note that XDM does not show any users other than the one that you type in for login.

KDMRC retains the options of UseTheme=false and Theme=, as well as Userlist=false. Until a week or three ago, KDM/KDM3/TDM theme-free were the only greeter configurations I can remember ever having used on purpose longer than about one boot cycle. The ostensible replacements are all lacking at least some of the functionality I depend on from KDM.

A bug report needed perhaps?

Any would be dupes of fallow upstream reports I found too many moons ago to remember. As long as I can use any of KDM, KDM3 or TDM, I don’t see any point giving others any more time. The theme-less KDE theme for me is as close to perfect as I can imagine finding.

Right. I hadn’t really looked into this before.

The default KDE login screen does not show any userid (which is an integer value) unless the user;s “Full Name” entry in /erc/passwd has been entered as the uid. If the full name field is blank, then the username is shown. There does not have to be a simple relationship between a users full name and their username.

The range of UIDs whose usernames are displayed on the login screen is configurable the default is 1000…65000. change this in
System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM) > Advanced
The username,ful name and uid for users can be changed in
YaST > Security an Users > User and Group Management > (Select User) Edit > User Data | Details

There is an option on the default login screen to select “Other User” that presents the opportunity to type in any username and password pair, including those for users whose full name is not shown.

I am using the above option. Thanks.
Seems to be a case where usability could get involved as it is unintuitive as presented. Note also if I click the lower left Help button in the
System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM) > Advanced tab…it does nothing. However the one in the top toolbar does.

Seems like there is much work to be done regarding SDDM, but this is a .0 release so I suppose I asked for it. :slight_smile:


You posted this while I was sleeping and I did not have much time yesterday, but I saw the discussion was going on. Nevertheless, because you addressed me personally, I want to answer this.

In fact the whole discussion is a bit above my head. I do not understand much about themes. I always thought they just influenced a bit how applications looked like in a GUI (colours, fonts and other bells and whistles) and thus never payed much attention.
Reading this I get the idea that they also influence the functionality of applications, which is beyond my understanding.

In any case there was a huge loss of functionality when KDE dropped using kdm. Other threads on these forums suggested my solution above, which I then have implemented (and, like other here, have propagated in them forums). The idea of configuring the user list to show as outside all users in the system was also presented in older threads. All are lousy stop gaps IMHO. And still waiting for a decent KDE DM with a login screen that supports those functions that were there for ages to configure by the system manager and to use by the users.

… which, of course, is why I switched from KDE to Xfce, and I am very happy with it.

I have just edited the /etc/sddm.conf file to read as follows:




HideUsers=root,user-1,user-2, … ,user-n

It works (so far at least).