Which is the actual "serif" font? (KDE Plasma)

I have been trying to find which font exactly is considered the default “Serif” but I can’t find any info on the topic.

I also tried going through each and every font in LibreOffice Writer but none of the listed there corresponds to “Serif”.

I did the same in KWrite - still no luck.

So which is the “Serif” font?

I am asking because I want to use this exact same font face for web pages which will be viewed in browsers on non-openSUSE (and non-Linux) systems. So I want to make sure that the user sees this exact font and not some other default “serif” on their own system. So ideally I would be interested in having the font file which I can use in CSS.

This is not an openSUSE Install or boot issue.

If you really want to control the exact layout and visual appearance of your page, you should publish it in PDF with embedded fonts, or as a graphical image. Web (HTML etc) pages are meant to be seen as appropriate for the viwing platform.

“Serif” is a description that can be applied to a typeface. It never refers to any specific typeface.

There is no actual “Serif” font, it’s a general alias for a serif font.
Which one is taken depends on your font-config settings.

This command should tell you which font is used for “Serif” on your system:

fc-match Serif

You should be able to configure it in “yast2 fonts” e.g.

Yes, I know it is a generic thing. I was just wondering how to find which font is aliased as “Serif”

This command should tell you which font is used for “Serif” on your system:

fc-match Serif

You should be able to configure it in “yast2 fonts” e.g.

That helped. Thanks!