Persistent Skype

Using Xfce. I can’t stop Skype from starting after logging into Xfce. It’s icon shows up on my one panel and starts ahead of anything else. I close Skype properly from its menu or from the panel icon, the icon disappears but it all repeats at the next boot. I right-click on the panel and get to Panel Preferences > Items, find the launcher that applies and delete it. The icon disappears but then reappears on the next boot.

I think there must be another launcher in some autostart file I am missing. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Have a look at what’s in /etc/xdg/autostart

Thanks for the speedy response. No filenames with “skype” in them in /etc/xdg/autostart. I opened a few suspicious ones with an editor and looked for Skype. This is the list of files.

ion@linux-hdyq:~> ls /etc/xdg/autostart

at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop                      tracker-miner-apps.desktop
gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop                 tracker-miner-fs.desktop
gnome-keyring-secrets.desktop                tracker-miner-user-guides.desktop
gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop                    tracker-store.desktop
gsettings-data-convert.desktop               user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop
nm-applet.desktop                            xfce4-notes-autostart.desktop
pk-update-icon.desktop                       xfce4-power-manager.desktop
polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop  xfsettingsd.desktop
print-applet.desktop                         xscreensaver.desktop

have you tried the user’s autostart dir


does disabling autostart in skype have no effect?

In Skype go to Tools->Settings and disable Automatically start Skype.

Yes, disabling autostart in skype had no effect. But editing ~/.config/autostart did the trick. I was looking for a ~/.autostart file which of course wasn’t there. Many thanks.