Relationship between YAST Changelog and /usr/bin updates

I use the Guayadeque music player from Packman - it’s super fast, works perfectly, and effortlessly handles my large music collection over nfs. However, the git page reveals that serious development has stopped, just the odd small update every now and then (like a couple of times per year). The project is pretty much in stasis. That doesn’t matter though because it’s super stable and works great.

However the last 3 or so updates that come with my Leap 42.3 system listed updates to Guayadeque, as did one just now. And indeed snapper confirms that /usr/bin/guayadeque has been changed:

Salon:/home/tiberiust # date
Tue 13 Feb 05:41:23 GMT 2018
Salon:/home/tiberiust # snapper status 358..359
c..... /usr/bin/gsx
c..... /usr/bin/guayadeque
c..... /usr/bin/QOwnNotes
c..... /usr/bin/youtube-dl

There were also previous changes to the same file on 2nd Feb and 7th feb.

Salon:/home/tiberiust # snapper status 347..358 | grep guay
c..... /usr/bin/guayadeque

Salon:/home/tiberiust # snapper status 352..353 | grep guay
c..... /usr/bin/guayadeque

Wow I thought! Someone has picked up and is running with Guayadeque. Like a kid in a sweet shop I hurried over the project github page hoping to see some new activity. But the last code change on the github page was 17th Nov 2017. I can understand an update to the package in the repos being late by several months, but why 3 changes to the bin file in a time since no change was made to the source code?

Then again, YAST changelog reports only one change and that was a year ago. Eh?

Wed 22 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT  Update to version 0.4.5

So why has the bin file on my computer been changed 3 times? I notice similar behaviour with youtube-dl - it seems to get updated by the system updater very frequently, but there’s very few updates in the YAST changelog.

I’m just curious as to how this is working ???


Probably the package has been rebuilt because of other updates.

Real changes should normally be listed in the package changelog. (although that’s the packager’s “decision” of course)

That is understandable, but the imo the question was: what triggers an entry in the YaST changelog? Apparently not the simple fact that the package was re-installed because of a newer version/build. Does it register a change because of the change log in the RPM?

YaST’s “Changelog” tab just displays the (installed) RPM package’s changelog, yes. (I.e. it’s the same as running “rpm -q --changelog some_package”)

And that changelog is a text file that the packager edits manually if he makes changes to the package (although he may not care, for Factory it’s mandatory, but of course not for 3rd party packages).

Tks vm everyone. So I see that I get:

Salon:/home/tiberiust # rpm -q --changelog guayadeque* Wed Feb 22 2017
- Update to version 0.4.5

* Mon Nov 02 2015
- Update to version 0.3.7
  * Removed Flac library dependency. Now flac images are
    read/writen using taglib
  * Fixed compilation without external libwxsqlite support
  * Fixed audio output autoconfiguring option
  * Fixed load tracks from command line or file manager
  * Added mpris 2.2 support
  * Made Guayadeque Interface more clean
  * Removed bug that crashed guayadeque when used del in a dynamic
  * Added TuneIn radio support
  * Added option to rename podcast channel name
  * Added option in Preferences -> Playback the option to write
    the complete output pipeline
  * Added Seeked mpris2 signal
  * Fixed amazon cover download engine
- Dropped flac-devel requirement

* Mon Aug 20 2012
- initial version (0.3.5)

Which shows the updates to the code of the source package. Last one being 22 Feb 2017. How can I see what other updates prompted a rebuilding of the /usr/bin package?
I’m not really a suspicious person, but we live in dark days :shame:and, as a simple user, binaries that I run regularly are being changed on my computer and I’d like to able to see what those changes are.

Tks again/T

You can’t.
That happens automatically.

I’m not really a suspicious person, but we live in dark days :shame:and, as a simple user, binaries that I run regularly are being changed on my computer and I’d like to able to see what those changes are.

You need to trust Packman (or other package maintainers) if you want to use their packages…
If you don’t trust them, well…
You can always build open source software yourself.

That’s the reason I run OpenSuse - I have no worries. I just wanted to understand what was happening. Thanks for you guidance - much appreciated :slight_smile:
