How can I use kde3-quanta with Leap 42.2

I am a long time user of Quanta Plus. I was successfully able to use it with Leap 42.1 by installing the KDE3 repo. I was able to navigate to the program on the plasma 5 desktop.

I just upgraded to Leap 42.2 and went through the same procedure. But I cannot access the program through the Plamsa 5 desktop. I have to log in using the KDE desktop. I like the lay out of plasma 5. Is there a way to start the program while on this desktop?

are you sure kde3-quanta is still installed?
afaik kde3 apps work fine with LEAP 42.2 I used a few of them
what’s your repo list

zypper lr -d

what about kde3-quanta

zypper info kde3-quanta

you can always add the kde3 repo for 42.2 and install kde3-quanta

zypper ar -f
zypper in kde3-quanta

if you have kde3-quanta installed but it’s icon doesn’t show up in plasma 5’s launcher there maybe something wrong with your setup
I’d say check for it’s launcher is in \opt\kde3\share\applications\kde\

Exchanged keycaps on your keyboard???

I have the kde3 repo and kd3-quanta installed.

I navigated to the launcher as suggested. I found the icon in this folder: \opt\kde3\share\applications\kde\

I can open it and use the program normally. But it is an inefficient way to access it every time I want to use it. I still cannot navigate to it from the desktop’s launcher. Normally I would add the icon to the launcher, but don’t see a way to do it.

Any ideas?

Problem solved!

I right clicked in the desktop launcher and choose “edit applications”. From there I navigated to the internet section and clicked on “more applications”. I found the quanta plus icon and then clicked on it. I was hoping it would then show up in the desktop launcher in the “internet” section. It wasn’t there.

But I did find the quanta plus icon in the “recent applications” section of my desktop launcher. From there I could right click and add to it to favorites. Now it is in the favorites in my launcher. Easy to find and launch the application from there.

I hope this helps someone else.