screen locked

I was installing some update in KDE while waiting for the process to finish the screen went black on that screen a message stated that “the screen
is locked and it is impossible to unlock the screen. It gave a key combination to start a vm” I assumed that this was a virus and turned of the computer.
I have managed to restart the computer using a snapshot from the grub menu, I am using

*openSUSE Leap42.2(4.4.79-18.23, 2017-08-25TO5:35,pre, zypp(packageKitd)

The system was using openSUSE Leap42.2 with Linux 4.4.79-18.26-default

1 Has anyone experienced the issue described above?
2 Is it fixable?
3 Is there any way to make this the default so the computer boots normally (*openSUSE Leap42.2(4.4.79-18.23, 2017-08-25TO5:35,pre, zypp(packageKitd)?
4 Do you think it was a virus , or a bug?. I do not want to do a fresh install if possible.

As always, thank you for any help, always appreciated

I really doubt it was a virus, more likely an app or driver issue, you seam to have used snapper and booted into an earlier snapshot
I don’t use snapper but as 42.3 is out you can use this as an opportunity do a live upgrade (not sure how long 42.2 will remain alive as 42.3 came earlier)

during boot you can select advanced options and select the latest kernel (I think the 3 latest kernels are kept)
or run

zypper up 

to update your system (an upgrade to 42.3 would be better)