AdobeICCProfiles - What's it used for?

So I understand that AdobeICCProfiles is installed after the system because you need to accept the license. But what is it actually used for? I can read that it’s to “provide high quality color workflows” but… I don’t know what that means. Any insight?


Thanks, I understand that it’s a color profile but what is it used for by default in openSUSE? Is it used for monitor output or is it for printing only, for example?

To be precise, it’s a collection of color profiles. :wink:

but what is it used for by default in openSUSE? Is it used for monitor output or is it for printing only, for example?

It’s not used by default at all AFAIK.
But specific software can use it (including Xorg) and may use it by default, so it depends on what software you use and what settings you change.

IOW, if you don’t want to do color correction, you can safely uninstall it.