OpenSuse Leap 42.2 Guest on VMWare Player -> VMware Tools Not working after Restart

I installed openSUSE-Leap-42.2-DVD-x86_64.iso as a guest OS on VMware® Workstation 12 Player 12.5.5 on my Win7 Host System.

uname -r -> 4.4.27-2-default

I just clicked “next” on every setup step ( choose KDE Desktop) of Open Suse and I did NOT click any button or whatever to install VMware Tools.

After the installation VMware Tools is working ( again without any installation ). I can dragNdrop files etc.

I see the following processes running in my openSUSE:

I rebooted the machine ( without doing anything after the installatin) and vmware tools is not working anymore.

I still see this processes started after reboot:

I tried to start “vmtoolsd &” as my local user which leads to the same processes running as in picture one.
And it seems that after the reboot two scripts were created in the /etc/init.d/ folder.
I also run this script in /etc/init.d/:
./vmware-tools start
./vmware-tools status -> vmware-questd is not running

Comming from the Windows world I do not understand why vmware-tools is not working anymore.

I do not understand why it works directly after installing the VM and then it does not work anymore after restarting the machine ( after the restart I have the vmware-tools script in the /etc/init.d/ folder )

I also tried to install open-vm-tools like in this tutorialbut I could not start it (vmware-user-suid-wrapper error: could not open proc/fs/vmblock/dev)

So because the original vmware-tools works every time when I install a new VM ( again its automatically there I did not mount the cd from vmware-tools and installed it ) until I restart, I need help.

VMware tools is now distributed as part of the Linux kernel, so what you’re trying to do is no longer needed or relevant.

Reference the SDB VMware Tools for anything you want to configure


Ok, now I know why VMware tools was automatically running after is installed OpenSuse on the virutal machine.

But I still have the problem that it does not work anymore if I restart the computer (without doing anything after the installation only direct reboot) and as you see in my Question I cant get it to run.

The link you provied only talks about the shared folders feature of vm ware tools which I do not need and never tried to activate.

There is no such thing as running VMware Tools anymore… Tools functionality is just available for whatever purpose you want, Shared Folders is one main feature people want to know about. There is also a section about hardware pass-through. Display auto-re-sizing should “just work” without any special configuration (but you do need to be running something other than a VESA video driver which would be the case if you’re running in “Server Text mode” or a simple window manager only like MinimalX).

Is there some other feature you want that you’re not seeing?


Hi the problem is that after a restart auto-re-sizing / clipboard copy paste and everything else do not work anymore.

I tested it on another machine:

  1. I install OpenSuse Leap 42.2 ( with KDE Desktop ) on VMWare Player
  2. VMWare Tools works
  3. I restart the Quest
  4. After reboot VMWare Tools does note work any more.

I do not care about shared folders.

I figgured it out on my own :slight_smile:

run: /usr/bin/vmtoolsd -n vmusr &

and everything works

Congrats on finding your solution, but I wonder what caused your problem in the first place.
I cannot replicate your problem on my machine running Workstation 12.5 (current ver 12.5.5 build-5234757).

So, unless I have some very special need for the less used features of the VMware tools toolbox, I wouldn’t need to run that command manually.