Question: What is "hydra" ?

Recently noticed a site named “” appear on my monitor. Also, found an RPM package named “hydra”. An attempt to visit the site was met with a login prompt. Just curious, what is “hydra” ? Thanks.

Hydra is a network logon cracker (the RPM) and hydra.o.o is most likely some dev/mirror/something else server.

Is “hydra” something to be concerned with or suspicious? The command you sent, is it something needed for security?

The host you see is the proxy/loadbalancer located in Nuremberg. So on your way to an openSUSE site (url), chances are you will pass through it…

host has address has IPv6 address 2001:67c:2178:8::19

Nothing to be worried about.

Thanks, Malcolm. I know “hydra” is a hackers tool and I didn’t know if I should be concerned about it. Thanks for the help.

Yep, just relax.:wink:

…oh, and Live Long &!