Fonts not as desired

Hi all,

I’ve been using OpenSuse since version 11. I used OpenSuse 13.1 till lastweek and now upgraded to OpenSuse Leap 42.2.
But I’m not comfortable with the fonts and couldn’t tune it to have same look&feel as in 13.1.

Below is a screenshot. (Left: 42.2 Leap, Right: 13.1)

Using 42.2, how can I achieve the output in right image?

Thanks in advance,

I assume you are using konsole or gnome-terminal. Could you post the names of the fonts and sizes from the left picture and the right picture? Perhaps you need to install the same font used in the left picture into your installation in the right picture.

There were some changes in freetype in Leap 42.2 and for the better.

You should look into your font settings, especially antialiasing and hinting options and maybe even in Yast, the fonts section.

Though I somehow do not see a real difference in your screenshot. Have also a look in the font settings of your terminal.

welcome to the Leap 42.2 fonts hell >:)>:)>:)
for information check my previous forum post first:
and my email list thread:
this dude is also complaining about the same problem:

now to the solution:
from Yast fonts module from the Preferred Families set the following:
for the sans-serif families: dejaVu sans
for the serif families: Liberation serif
for the monospace families:Liberation Mono

i hope this helps, if not read the mailing list threads for any possible solutions and keep me informed about your situation