No DSL connection in LEAP 42.2

I am new to opensuse. This thing happened to me when I was on Ubuntu now I don’t use Ubuntu anymore. I get some notification about freedesktop and unable to connect both DSL and wired networks. I don’t know if I have done something wrong in installation.

How can I make dsl connection? I am on mobile and made an account just for this question.

  1. If using NetworkManager, it should be possible to use the connection editor to create a DSL connection.

  1. For wicked, there is no direct method, manual configuration is possible though. You may need to ensure that the ‘rp-pppoe’ package is installed first. It’s a bit more manual, and this thread may be helpful to getting the configuration steps completed…

Isn’t network manager apppet gnome’s? I am on KDE.

KDE has it’s own NM front-end which you can use.

Just to clarify further, although the openSUSE guide shows/describes the Gnome NM front-end, the same process applies to configuring via NM with KDE. Let us know if you require further help on this.

I have successfully connected to DSL connection using pppoe setup but before that I thought I may be able to connect my mobile internet using TP link usb adapter. But it is not working as well. When using KDE network manager, it never creates a connection. It just shows the following message:

Failed to add connection New pppoe
The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files.

I got internet now. How can I get wifi hotspot?
I am now starting system update.

So you were able to get connected with manual pppoe configuration - that’s good :slight_smile:

I got internet now. How can I get wifi hotspot?

It is easiest to do using Network Manager IMO, bu if you’ve manually configured your DSL connection and have wicked running , then you’ll need to use hostapd and configure manually as well. Described well here…