Set static ip adress wicked


I have been reading my eyes sore to find an easy howto for setting up static ipadress in Tumbleweed. I think I have put the right things in the right box in the yast module for network connections, and it seems to work fine in my private network, but I cannot get out to the Internett. I have found the nameserver adresses for my supplyer, and my router are set upp to handle this, but something is missing in my knowledge here.

I have filled out two external nameservers , but I haven’t found out what to put in the box for domaine search list.

Can someone give me an advice on this?

Dag R

If you can reach the LAN but not the internet, check that your gateway (router) address is defined. If necessary, share the details in ‘/etc/sysconfig/network.ifcfg-…’ (eg ifcfg-eth0). That will help others advise further.

These can help confirm the situation too

ip addr
ip route

The gateway/route is missing. Where do I put it in then yast module?

Dag R

Configure via Network settings > Routing

This openSUSE guide may be of help to you (it’s for Leap but still applicable to TW as well)

It did the trick. Thanx. The reference book is also a good partner when the problems surface.

Dag R

Happy to have been of help :slight_smile:

Well, checking the tabs available there might give you ideas about what to configure where.

IMHO it pays when one walks through the different screens/tabs of a tool to see what it can do for you. And the ssecral YaST modules are an excelent example of this behaviour.