Remove/configure userlist on Login Screen?


I have openSUSE Leap 42.1 (x86_64) installed and use Gnome as display manager. I tried to disable the logon userlist completely, but nothing I found so far seems to work on this configuration. Could someone please tell me how to disable this userlist completely with Leap and Gnome?

My suggestion would be to only display the list if there are fewer than x users to display (i.e. less than 6 users), and to change to username/password fields otherwise. But for the time being I would be happy if the userlist would be easy to disable. :wink:

Thank you,


This works for Leap;

Thanks a lot!
Now I see, what I have missed all the time… I have tried to find it in sysconfig, yast2, gsettings, gconftool-2, etc.:silly:
I even looked for a “gdm” file in /etc/dconf/profile which didn’t exist and got a little confused about it… Now, according to your instruction, I just created this file entered the 3 lines, ran the dconf update and it works like a charm. :shame:

Sometimes it’s just easy if you know where to look or have someone point it out for you. :wink:
