Applications not installed through YaST not starting after upgrade to 13.2

I am using ASUS Eee PC, T91MT. I upgraded from OpenSuSE 11.3 to 13.2. I did not format the home folder (I did not have anything more than base system under 11.3).
I had Akonadi server initialisation problem, that was solved when I deleted the ~/.local/share/akonadi folder.
I installed many software’s through Yast and those I checked are working. I also installed TrueCrypt through the install script - truecrypt-7.1a-setup-x86 - from the package. I also installed Google Chrome through the rpm - google-chrome-stable_current_i386.rpm. Both the installations completed normally - without any error code. Both the software’s do not open. When I click on the menu items for these software’s, their icons jump :wink: near the mouse for about 30 seconds. However, the applications do not start.
I tried looking for relevant log (under /var/log) but couldn’t find any.
What am I missing? What do I need to do to use these applications? Any applications not installed through YaST?
Vikas Garud.

Start it from Konsole as User and post the Output.

Here is the Konsole output for two commands:

vikas@linux-x92t:~> /usr/bin/truecrypt
/usr/bin/truecrypt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

vikas@linux-x92t:~> /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome
[1:1:0726/] Couldn’t load libexif.
[2865:2865:0726/] GTK theme error: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: “oxygen-gtk”,
[2865:2865:0726/] GTK theme error: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: “oxygen-gtk”,
vikas@linux-x92t:~> libGL error: Couldn’t dlopen or, driver detection may be broken.
libGL error: Couldn’t dlopen or, driver detection may be broken.

It looks like library “” is not accessible for TrueCrypt. I located an RPM that provides “” and installed it through YaST. However, Truecrypt does not yet start.

Don’t know what to make for Chrome.

What to try next?

Searched once again, there were two RPMs which provided the library “”. I had missed installing one of them in the first attempt. On installing it TrueCrypt is working.


Now, how do I proceed for Chrome?

Vikas Garud

truecrypot has been dead for quite some time now
you can try realcrypt
or veracrypt

ps you seam to be missing oxygen-gtk (I’m not sure why it’s not installed with the rest of oxygen)

sudo zypper in oxygen-gtk

veracrypt is based on truecrypt 7.1a so it might be a better choice as realcrypt is based on truecrypt 7.0
the best way to install it is to add the repo for install (you can disable or remove it after install)

sudo zypper ar
sudo zypper in veracrypt

edit as reposetory seams to contain only 1 package you might not need to add it you can install veracrypt with this command

sudo zypper in

ps. the above is true if you are running a 32bit OS (I assumed that from the version of truecrypt you are truing to install for a 64 bit OS install the 64 bit package)

about chrome, I’d suggest you add packman’s repo and use chromium
if you don’t have packman do

zypper ar -f packman

now install chromium, chromium-ffmpeg and pepper flash

sudo zypper in chromium chromium-ffmpeg chromium-pepper-flash

you can always get chrome from google but that one has a few issues

I’m kind of successful on both the applications. TrueCrypt started working after installing two RPMs that provide the library that was not being found.

Proceeding on similar lines, I located a RPM that provides “”. Chrome has started working after installing this RPM. However, Konsole still gives lots of error messages. Relevant Konsole output is pasted below. Due to all those errors, I’m worried about any future problems. Any pointers about what could be happening?

vikas@linux-x92t:~> /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome
[1:1:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3586:3586:0726/] GTK theme error: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "oxygen-gtk",
[3586:3586:0726/] GTK theme error: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "oxygen-gtk",
libGL error: Version 4 or later of flush extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: i915
[3646:3646:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3648:3648:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3650:3650:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3652:3652:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3656:3656:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3586:3586:0726/] Invalid URL: '' for extension nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda
[3742:3742:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3746:3746:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3749:3749:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3774:3774:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3804:3804:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3853:3853:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3911:3911:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3973:3973:0726/] Couldn't load libexif.
[3586:3609:0726/215638:ERROR:logging.h(775)] Failed to call method: org.kde.KWallet.isEnabled: object_path= /modules/kwalletd: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.kde.kwalletd was not provided by any .service files
[3586:3609:0726/] Error contacting kwalletd (isEnabled)
[3586:3609:0726/215639:ERROR:logging.h(775)] Failed to call method: org.kde.KWallet.isEnabled: object_path= /modules/kwalletd: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
[3586:3609:0726/] Error contacting kwalletd (isEnabled)
[3586:3595:0726/] sendmsg: Broken pipe
[3586:3595:0726/] sendmsg: Broken pipe
[3586:3595:0726/] sendmsg: Broken pipe
[3586:3595:0726/] sendmsg: Broken pipe
[1:2:0726/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
[3586:3614:0726/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)

Vikas Garud

PS: I saw your suggestions while typing this reply. I’ve added packman repository and will install chromium and close the thread.
Vikas Garud

Thanks. Installed Chromium and it is working fine.

I’ll try the other two options for encrypting files. I needed TrueCrypt since I’ve couple of files encrypted with TrueCrypt. Some links about Veracrypt and Realcrypt indicated possible incompatibility with Truecrypt. Hence using truecrypt to access those files.

I’ll also install oxygen - prevent any future problems.

Thanks once again for quick resolution of the problem(s).

Vikas Garud

veracrypt is basically truecrypt 7.1a with a few fixed bugs and a new name, the reason for a different name is truecrypt’s license, their code is open-sourced but they copyrighted their name, in any case it’s better to install software with an rpm package then a bash script it’s easier to manage/update/remove.
I’ve never used chrome but if you installed an rpm package with zypper or yast you should have no problems running it, your problems seam to come if you just unpacked a tar ball.
in any case it’s good you got truecrypt up and running and imo chromium is just as good if not better then chrome but I prefer Firefox.