kdeinit5 crash: You cannot report this error!

In order to try a get-around for the plasma5 bug whereby all
applications and windows are automatically put in desktop-1, I tried
a suggestion of clicking on the top RHC of a window and selecting “more
actions - special window/application settings”. I then got the
following message:-
“We are sorry, kdeinit5 closed unexpectedly.
You cannot report this error, because kdeinit5 does not provide a bug
reporting address.”

That message, if everyone were to take it literally, would mean that
this bug would never be reported. Clever. Maybe this has happened; a
search for kdeinit5 on SUSE Bugzilla says “zarro boogs found” whilst
KDE Bugzilla has some kdeinit5 bugs but not this one, apparently. Or
maybe I’m the only one to suffer this problem. Or maybe Bugzilla search
hasn’t worked properly - again.

I’m using the latest Plasma5 from
http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Frameworks5/openSUSE_Factory/ in addition to the standard Tumbleweed repos.

Does anyone else get this problem or is it just me?

Graham Davis [Retired Fortran programmer - now a mere computer user]
openSUSE Tumbleweed (64-bit); KDE 4.14.6; Kernel: 3.19.3;
Processor: AMD Phenom II X2 550; Video: nVidia GeForce 210 (using
nouveau driver); Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)

  • Does anyone else get this problem or is it just me?

I’ve got this on Plasma 5 on Kubuntu 15.04

You may not have realised it, but you are in an openSUSE forum. Questions for kubuntu should be asked in a kubuntu forum @ https://www.kubuntuforums.net/content.php?

On Sun, 31 May 2015 16:26:01 GMT
clanmills <clanmills@no-mx.forums.microfocus.com> wrote:

> - Does anyone else get this problem or is it just me?
> I’ve got this on Plasma 5 on Kubuntu 15.04

Thanks for the confirmation. I’d forgotten about it until today when I
came across it again on a fully up-to-date TW system. I vaguely recall
pursuing this further at the time but can’t remember where or what the
outcome was. Must do some more digging.

Graham Davis [Retired Fortran programmer - now a mere computer user]
openSUSE Tumbleweed; KDE Plasma 5.3.1; Kernel: 4.0.4;
Processor: AMD Phenom II X2 550; Video: nVidia GeForce 210 (using
nouveau driver); Sound: ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)

Try running this from a terminal:



yes the same occurs here,

every time the position or size of a window is attempted to be changed
a kdeinit5 bug window appears with

Executable: kdeinit5 PID: 2471 Signal: Segmentation fault (11) Time: 04/06/2015 00:28:29

this was first noticed after update to,
Kernel: 4.0.4-1-desktop x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop KDE 5 Distro: openSUSE 20150530 (x86_64) Tumbleweed

and still occurs with update,
Kernel: 4.0.4-2-desktop x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop KDE 5 Distro: openSUSE 20150602 (x86_64) Tumbleweed

any possible way to rectify this?

or should a bug report be raised?


ps. running kbuildsycoca5 has no effect on this crash

I get the same issue in Tumbleweed, reported here http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2015-06/msg00183.html

I figured maybe someone on the ML would be able to help. Will keep an eye on this thread as its very annoying right now not being able to log in :wink:


with todays update this crash has been fixed, at least on this PC

thx to all involved


Kernel: 4.0.4-3-desktop x86_64 (64 bit)
Desktop: KDE 5
Distro: openSUSE 20150610 (x86_64) Tumbleweed