French-speaking forums no longer visible


The French-speaking forums are no longer accessible from the list of openSUSE forums.

Kim Groneman told me that the administrators “shut them down” because there is no active French speaking moderator anymore and because these forums attracted mostly spam with little real content. I agree with this point of view, especially since please_try_again left.

But there were still real people who were posting from time to time. Moreover this “shutdown” has not been discussed in public, as far as I know (or maybe I missed a discussion here? I’m sorry in this case).

Anyway that’s not good for the French-speaking users.

So please, don’t let this page without a link to a French-speaking forum. At least, an external forum like Alionet which have been an active (and moderated) French-speaking openSUSE community forum for many years.

Waiting to hear from you :slight_smile:


Voilà ! Oui !

Hello Antoine. As far as I understand (based on our recent moderator discussions about this), we are planning some kind of link to, and I’ve flagged your request for this to the mod team.


All right. Thank you for your quick answer! Please keep us informed then :slight_smile:

Hello :slight_smile:

It has been a month since this request. Have you any news on this?

Hi Antoine. Sorry for the delay. It seems that based on our T&C’s, mutual agreement between ourselves and is required. (I don’t think we’ve had a formal request from them yet.)

If a partnership is agreed to by all parties, we’ll point members with
the corresponding native language to the pre-existing community as our
official partner by creating a link to the pre-existing community and
vice versa (link at the pre-existing community to the openSUSE forums).
If all requirements are agreed to during the negotiations with
pre-existing communities, we’ll announce the pre-existing community as
our official partner.

You might want to send a PM to Kim to progress this further. (It makes no sense with me being man in the middle.)

Links have been created on both sides.

Thanks! :slight_smile: