Internet connection issues when using Opensuse 13.2...

Hi There,

I’ve recently updated from Opensuse 13.1 to 13.2. For some reason, my internet connection through wireless isn’t passing internet traffic. However, I get an ip address & I’m able to ping any of the outside world address from the Command line. Nothing happenes when I open Firefox…

Is there anything that I need to change/do on my firewall?


Pablo M


How can you ping anything if it isn’t passing “internet traffic”?

Seriously though, can you ping addresses by name or IP only?

Interestingly, I can only ping IP addresses, but no site names. My Wifi is set to DHCP, so I thought that I don’t need to setup any DNS servers.

Browsing still no working. What the best solution to fix this?



Try to set your DNS manually by forcing them in /etc/resolv.conf, the file usually looks something like:

Alternatively edit /etc/sysconfig/network/config and find NETCONFIG_DNS_STATIC_SERVERS=, edit it with your DNS servers and run sudo netconfig update

I’ve added the DNS manually to the /etc/resolv.conf and things still the same, not working. I don’t what else to try?


Try it with sudo wicked ifup “yourinterfacehere”

Seems to be a bug since the last update.

I downgraded libwicked-0-6, wicked and wicked-service from 06.17-12.1 to 0.6.12-1.1. now the wifi works every restart fine without typing wicked ifup [devicenamehere].
Well i am going to do some online banking now and then upgrading wicked and co back ti 0.6.17-12.1 and if you dont read anything from me this night in this thread then you will know its a problem with wicked.

Hi There,

I’ve tried “wicked ifup”, but after this command I don’t know what to type next. Can pls help?



Are you using Network Manager, or Wicked to manage the networking. Are you running KDE? or Gnome?

I wait for your replies.

At any rate, the first thing you might try is to temporarily turn off the firewall and see if you can then connect.

Go to Yast=>Firewall and click the button to “Stop Firewall Now”.

Can you browse, then?

Hi Fraser,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I’m a KDE user & currently using the typical network manager from default. Have also stopped the firewall, but browsing traffic
still no passing.




Have you tried other browsers besides Firefox?

For example, do you have any problem browsing using Konqueror?

Did you install Chromium and try that?

If not, first try Konqueror in menu=>Applications=>Internet=>Web Browser

… well? Did you try this? Did it work? Or not?

Are you still interested in solving this?

Hi Fraser,

Sorry, I didn’t realize that there was a comment on the next page. Yes, I’ve tried all. Konqueror comes with a message that “ can’t connect “ when typing any URL.

Pinging over terminal still works, but browsing still the same, no internet traffic.


Of course you have internet traffic. Otherwise pinging in the terminal wouldn’t work either.

As I understand from quickly skimming through the thread, it’s DNS resolution that doesn’t work.
You should be able to reach websites via IP address as well, try “” as a test (will give you a “Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently down for maintenance.” error, but you should at least reach the server and get that error page)

Most likely /etc/resolv.conf is invalid. Can you post it?
Try to run “sudo netconfig update -f” to recreate it according to your network config. If that has been modified, it won’t be recreated automatically.

And/or try to switch from “Wicked Service” to “NetworkManager” (or vice-versa) in YaST->Network Devices->Network Settings->Global Options.

I’ve tried changing from wicked to network manager, but that couldn’t be created as I was getting an error when creating it.

What error? What couldn’t be created? You got an error when you created what?

After moving from wicked to Management network services + reboot. Internet over browsing started to work.

Thanks for all your help.


Another with the same reply. Looks like you’ve been leading us all on a wild-goose chase