13.2 VNC connects, but login to Desktop goes nowhere

Just did a clean install of OpenSUSE 13.2
Want to get VNC going and I can connect OK at the login screen. Login is accepted, but then just the login background shows.
Wait long enough (several minutes) and the login screen reappears. Happens same way no matter which desktop environment I choose (I have both KDE and Gnome installed). Locally, either works fine.

I modified xstartup per https://forums.opensuse.org/content.php/180-How-To-Activate-VNC-Server-in-openSUSE-12-3
but makes no difference.

Guidance, please.


Re installed openSUSE 13.2
Turned on remote adminstration
turned off firewall (As I use a separate machine for that)
configured /etc/xinetd.d/vnc
Server / Args: -noreset -inetd -query localhost -geometry 1024x786 -securitytypes none
( found that I had to use user = root to get the login screen to appear)

When connecting on the local network (using the IP address) Connection is instant to login page. After login is accepted,
green background is shown, but KDE desktop does not appear. After several minutes, the login dialog reappears.

Login works normally locally on the machine.

How do I get the KDE desktop from VNC?


I had the same problem and finally figured out that vnc sessions offered by /etc/xinetd.d/vnc only allow one connection at a time on a given userid, which includes the local X session. I was able to establish a remote vnc session once I logged out of the local console, or when I connected to a non-logged in user. I do not believe that it has always worked this way. I believe the OpenSuse document calls this a one-time VNC session.

I then found out that if I opened a terminal window, and ran vncserver as the logged-in user, not superuser, I could open multiple remote sessions, and did not have to log out the local session. The first time you run vncserver it asks for full-access and read-only passwords, then tells you what display port it has made available*.* Run it again and you get a new port in addition to the original. the documentation calls this a persistent VNC session. You can use an ssh client like PuTTY to remotely start the vncserver.

The document is at:


All of this is probably obvious to the world, but I spent a lot of time thrashing around on it, so perhaps it will save someone else some time.




Terrific. Really appreciate your response. Makes sense as I was logged in locally at the time I was attempting to connect with VNC. So I logged out the local session, but still no joy. (I am using vncviewer on a Win7 machine)
I had studied and followed the instructions at openSUSE Documentation
and even re installed 13.2, but still did not work. (It seems to me this could work ‘out of the box’ It is dead simple on the Windows machines.)
I have an openSUSE 12.2 machine that runs VNC just fine. Use it all the time. Can’t get it to work on my ‘in use’ 12.3 machine, though. So, now working on 13.2


Next I tried your suggestion of issuing the vncserver command as the local logged in user and it did give me a new port number (2).
While still logged in locally, I then tried to connect with vnc to the new port number and it asked for my password and bingo, in to a KDE desktop.
Then, I logged out of the session and expecting VNC to close as it does on my openSUSE 12.2 system, the VNC screen just went black no notice of connection closed. I closed the VNC window. I launched the vncviewer again and connected and it asked for my password and then I get the blank screen again. No way to login. So, I rebooted the openSUSE 13.2 machine. Now back where I was, namely launch the viewer and immediately see the SUSE login screen. Attempt login and goes nowhere. Try to connect the viewer to port two and it is actively refused. Log in to 13.2 locally and run vncserver as a normal user it gives me port 3. Now launch vncviewer and it asks for the password and a KDE desktop opens!

Well, I call that progress, but more to do to make it clean.

Thanks again, Have fun

Well, connection works great in Persistence mode. But, Dolphin will not work in ‘Super User’ (root) mode.
Without that capability, not useful.

Any suggestions how to get Dolphin to work in SU mode over VNC?


kdesu dolphin?

Try this:

kdesu QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 dolphin


kdesu dolphin --graphicssystem native

Hi everybody!

I have the same problem with the black screen after finishing VNC session (no matter if via “logout” or via “shutdown”), no way to get the remote machine to shut down (have to do via ssh with shutdown - h now).

I tried both TigerVNC as well as tighVNC Viewer (Windows), always via VPN.

Worked fine with opensuse 13.1 on the remote machine…

Does anybody have a solution for this?

Many thanx in advance!

The OP could not login at all, whereas you cannot shutdown via VNC. I don’t see where this is the same problem…

I have no idea what the problem might be in your case or how to fix it though.

Many thanx, very helpful, indeed! Paxton wrote 19-Jan-2015, 17:47 “Then, I logged out of the session and expecting VNC to close as it does on my openSUSE 12.2 system, the VNC screen just went black no notice of connection closed.” Kindest regards Rasputin

But if I have no idea what to try, I cannot really advise you much.
One thing I can imagine to happen is that the VNC session closes before the shutdown is actually executed or something like that.
Maybe shutting down is just not supported at the moment. Maybe some processes are still running that prevent the shutdown. Maybe there are insufficient privileges.

Maybe file a bug report.

Paxton wrote 19-Jan-2015, 17:47 “Then, I logged out of the session and expecting VNC to close as it does on my openSUSE 12.2 system, the VNC screen just went black no notice of connection closed.”

And where does this mention “shutdown”?

He logs out of the session, but VNC doesn’t close, he has to close the VNC connection manually.
And the thread originally was about not being able to logging in at all, see the subject.

Are you still sure you have the same problem?

I think you had better started a new thread.

Loging out lead to the same mess. Trying to connect to the same port again via VNC leads to to the same black screen that you left behind.

I have no idea how to file a bug as I’m just one of these dumb users who can hardly login to a forum… :wink:

I can update the remote machine via VNC (root password required, but it works) and exactly the same way it was with “shutdown” in the past: I was asked for the root password and afterwards the machine closed down. Now only the screen turns black and hangs there for ever.

I thought it would help the thread-opener to know that he is not alone and the error (with logout/shutdown) is reproducible. So no need to open a new thread, in my opinion.

But anyway, thanks for the reply!

