KDM login manager theme

Trying to change the login theme on Opensuse 13.2 x64 (Sorry, hate the default…)
Have gone to Settings>Login Screen, but it seems that any changes I make, when I try to apply, get the message “Unable to authenticate/execute the action: (code 4)”.
This happens when trying to change the theme, change the background, basically change anything.
Anyone have a fix?

Did you do some software updates?

When “systemd” is updated, the user-manager process associated with your session seems to lose contact with the main “systemd” process. And that breaks some of the polkit authentication.

I suggest you reboot, and then try again.

Yep, have done a full reboot, and no joy…

On my main computer, I use “lightdm” for booting.

I have just tested on my laptop. I had no difficulty changing the KDM theme there.

When you use the command:

ps -ef | grep user

do you see a process “systemd --user” in the output, where that process is owned by you?

As far as I know, that process is involved in authentication.

If you have modified the pam configuration, you might have broken that.

You mean this?

john 1947 1 0 19:41 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user

As far as I know, nothing like that has been modified…

Then I’m out of ideas as to what might be going wrong.

You could try filing a bug report on this issue.