yast -- network settings

I’m new to yast. How do I output my network settings to the console? I can’t find this option in the fine manual.

Network Settings? Can you elaborate some?
What information do you want to see?

If you become su -





netstat -nr

ok, that should probably do it. I’m trying to setup a static IP address and wanted to output everything I set in CLI yast. apparently there’s no “yast, give me all config” command?

Much of the config is actually in a readable text file (actually a shell script) in “/etc/sysconfig/network”. The file name will be something like “ifcfg-eth0” except that the “eth0” will be replaced by the interface name.

FWIW, if you were using NetworkManager, then thre are CLI utiltiies such as ‘nmcli’, ‘nm-tool’, and nm-online’ which can be used to control and report on various attributes regarding connections defined there.