Installing Application for other Distributios


I have an application developed for other Linux Distributions (Debian, etc…)

How can I install it on openSUSE 13.1 ?

Thanking you


Those are .deb packages.
You can try to use the tool “alien” to convert them to .rpm packages and install those, but there’s no guarantee that it will work.
(most likely you would have to install the dependencies manually)

Another option would be to extract the packages (with Ark or File-Roller e.g.) and copy the files to the appropriate places. But then the same as above applies.

Anyway, I’d suggest to try one of the above, and come back with questions if you encounter a problem.
If the application does not start after installation, run it in a terminal window. This should give error message that might point to the reason.

once trying to download “alien”, it gives you multiple options when expanding “openSUSE 13.1” as shown in the snapshot below “url”

I managed to install first two, and extract the packages, but now there is no such clear instruction how to install the application nor a specific file to execute for installation, what would be the right steps to install it?


You should only install one of them.

and extract the packages,

Which packages? The “alien” package?
You should not extract that, you should just install it.

but now there is no such clear instruction how to install the application nor a specific file to execute for installation, what would be the right steps to install it?

I think you’re mixing things up.
You can either use “alien” to convert the .deb packages to .rpm and then install them using “rpm”, “zypper”, or by just clicking on them in your filemanager.
I don’t know myself how to use “alien” as I never used it myself. Instructions are included though, see “man alien”.
In short, this should convert the file xxx.deb to an rpm package xxx.rpm:

alien --to-rpm xxx.deb

You should then be able to install xxx.rpm like this e.g.:

sudo rpm -i xxx.rpm

Or you extract the .deb packages with an archivemanager and copy the contained files manually to the corresponding places on your hard disk.
Of course there are no instructions for that, as you normally are not supposed to do that.
In this case you should know what you are doing.

Thank you very much,

it works fine as you instructed … step by step

Thanks again
