Notification position changes

Hi all, today something weird happenend with my volume notification.

When my desktop does not have any windows open and i hover with my mousepointer over the volume icon in the system tray, the popup for the volume appears in the right hand corner of my screen.
When i have a window open, the popup will appear in the correct position just above the volume icon.

I made a small video of it just to clarify:

I searched for some setting for this behaviour in ~/.kde4/share/config but could not find anything.
The file plasma-desktop-appletsrc does have position setting stored for all the applets such as the system tray.
But not for where popups should be displayed.

It’s not a big deal, just weird.
Somewhere i messed up something because this is not default behaviour.

The easiest way is to start again with a clean home directory, but that is not worth the trouble.
So i hope that any of you can point me to some file to edit.

Thank you.

Oh, and it’s on openSUSE 13.1 with KDE 4.11.5 :slight_smile:

mine is exactly the same as your on KDE 4.13 so perhaps it is the default behaviour.

I’ve never ever noticed this until you pointed it out. Now it’s gonna bug me!! :frowning:

It’s not just the volume icon. For me it’s also klipper and fcitx.

There is an open bug report on it over at KDE

following a tip from the bug report I went to . . .

configure desktop > application appearance > icons > advanced > dialogs

and changed the icon size from 32 to 22

this corrected the issue for me. However, the icon size for dialogs is then a little small for my liking so I’m prepared to live with the issue.

Well i can not reproduce it in opensuse 13.1 in a virtual machine, or debian wheezy and kubuntu 14.04 in a virtual machine.

I’m going to create a new user on my system and see if this behaviour remains.

It does not remain :slight_smile:

So i looked at what was different.
I have height of my panel set to 22 instead of the default 36 (pixels i guess?)

So i changed it back to 36 again and the problem was gone.
Changed it back to 22 again and it was still gone until after a reboot.

Keep the height at 36 and the problem is gone even after a reboot.

I have added this information to the bugreport you found.

I noticed that a few days ago. But it isn’t happening today. However, I’m running factory and KDE was updated to 4.14.0 this morning.