Apache2 mod_proxy openSUSE 13.1

Hi All!
I just can’t find mod_proxy in repositories. Can any one help me?
I also know what i can compile apache and all his modules and just copy resulted module in my installation, but is there any reason why openSUSE 13.1 does not include mod_proxy?

It does?

root@mariposa:~ > rpm -ql apache2 | grep -i proxy

root@mariposa:~ > rpm -qf /usr/lib64/apache2/mod_proxy.so

Sry for this stupid question, i just misspelled in “find” command when i try to find this module and does not look in rpm database at all, my fault, was to late and i was asleep.
Problem solved.
Thank you very much!

No worries, remember you need to enable it /etc/sysconfig/apache2 or use a2enmod to enable/disable it.

Another hint, if you are looking for a package like that, you may use zypper to see what provides it - for example;

zypper se --provides mod_proxy

Thank you again Miuku, i really appreciate your help - fast and useful replies.