Youtube fullscreen opens only on outer left screen, not the one the browser was nor the primary one

i have three monitors standing next to each other, i am using the NIVIDA proprietary driver on opensuse 13.1 and kde.
The monitor to the right is set up as “primary screen”, thats important because the other monitors are either to small or to var away (on the my tv the other is a smaller old monitor).

My problem is playing youtube videos on fullscreen mode, if is switch to full screen the video os openen onf the outer left monitor! No matter where the browser was at that time (on windows the fullscreen opens automatically on that screen where the browser window is). I can life with not having the feature to see fullscreen videos on the screen the browser was but at least it should be on the primary screen then.

Can i change that?

Have you tried using HTML5 instead of Flash?

Flash for Linux (non-Chromium Pepper version) is old is only supported as far as security patches go, it won’t receive any new features and is buggy as hell.

Thank you i will try this.