Recent update (?) broken Okular "open at page".


Before I report a bug I’d appreciate if someone else could try this please?

Some time within the last two weeks or so I’ve lost the ability to open a pdf, or indeed any document type, at a specific page using Okular.

Previously, this for example:

paul@Orion-1:~/Temporary$ okular --page 5 test.pdf

opened test.pdf at page 5

Now okular is ignoring the page request and opens documents at either the first page or (for a document previously opened) the last opened page.

I don’t know if this is of relevance (to this problem) there is also an error message:

paul@Orion-1:~/Temporary$ okular --page 5 test.pdf
okular(7579) KXMLGUI::ActionList::plug: Index  15  is not within range (0 -  12

Although the same error is given when no options are passed on the command line:

paul@Orion-1:~/Temporary$ okular test.pdf
okular(7594) KXMLGUI::ActionList::plug: Index  15  is not within range (0 -  12

A quick “google” suggest that the “error” message is (I think) irrelevant.

There was an update to Okular on 23-Apr-14, which fits within the time-frame of this appearing.

Version Information:

Okular - Version 0.19.0
Using KDE Development Platform 4.13.0

from openSUSE KDE:Current
Wed 23 Apr 2014 19:43:28 BST

I have standard openSUSE 13.1 and it has:

Qt: 4.8.5
KDE Development Platform: 4.11.5
Okular: 0.17.5

It works as you expect.

I can confirm this (KDE 4.13.0 here as well).

I don’t know if this is of relevance (to this problem) there is also an error message:

I don’t think the message has any relevance.
I didn’t get any message with the PDFs I tried, but the “–page” parameter didn’t work either.

PS: If you want to report it, I would suggest to do so directly upstream at I may do so later, if you don’t have/wnat to create an account there.

Thanks guys.

Done. 334100 – --page <number> being ignored