KDE via XDMCP, any advice?

I have a virtual machine running on Client Hyper-V with an internal network linking it to the host. I am using VcXsrv to connect to it using XDMCP (this link has no connection to any other networks, so no encryption needed) so I can get a Linux desktop. Setting it up worked pretty well, but I have run into a couple issues.

  1. KDM won’t start properly without starting the local X Server.

I want KDM to start when the machine boots so that I can connect to it using XDMCP, but when I set “DISPLAYMANAGER_STARTS_XSERVER” to no in sysconfig, KDM seems to freeze up and not load properly. In the meantime I have switched to XDM rather than KDM, but if there is some solution to not starting the XServer with KDM I would like to go back.

  1. I have read some stuff about a QT_GRAPHICSSETTING environment variable that may change the way graphics are rendered, and I would like to try it, but I don’t know enough about the chain of program executions from XDMCP to KDE to know where to set that variable and have it make any difference. Does anyone have any advice for that?


Hello and welcome here.

I have no doiubt that somewhere in your post openSUSE is involved. But you did not even mention the version of openSUSE you use.

Sorry. This is pretty much a fresh install of openSUSE 13.1 .