Draftsight - installed, but it doesn't work

Hi there,

It’s my first post here, so welcome everyone! :slight_smile:
Well, I’ve got a problem with the Drafsight… I’ve been looking for solution on the internet but I can’t find it. I downloaded the programme from official site (for Fedora .rpm) and installed but it doesn’t work… When I try to start the Draftsight nothing’s gonna happen. Only the icon is jumping for a while. What’s going on with the programme?

My operation system is OpenSuse 13.1.

Oh, I am from abroad so my english is not as well as yours. Write posts using simple words, please.


Welcome! :slight_smile:

First of all, you should always specify which openSUSE version and which Desktop Environment (KDE, GNOME, …) you are using.

Then, it might help to know where you downloaded Draftsight from, and how you installed it.

Generally speaking, when you start a program from the menu/by clicking on the icon and nothing happens, it’s always a good idea to run it from the command line in a terminal window.
You should get some output then which most likely will point to the problem.

Please do so, and post that output (in code tags, please. That’s the ‘#’ button in the editor’s toolbar).

I edited my post just a second before you responsed, but ok - let’s try again :slight_smile:

OS: OpenSuse 13.1 (KDE)
Draftsight was downloaded from this site –> http://www.3ds.com/products-services/draftsight/download-draftsight/
I installed it by the interface, I didn’t use the terminal. I’ve tried to open the programme in the terminal window but there’s no reaction - what do I suppose to write? A name of programme only?

If 'DraftSight' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
    cnf DraftSight

– Where is the icon to edit post?

For instance:

linux-1vd2:/home/Mars # whereis amarok
amarok: /usr/bin/amarok
linux-1vd2:/home/Mars # whereis draftsight
draftsight:linux-1vd2:/home/Mars # 

So, where is the DraftSight?

It’s right below your post, on the right side. You have to be logged in to see it of course.
But it’s only possible to edit the post until 10 minutes after you posted it. After that time the “Edit” button will not be shown anymore.

For instance:

linux-1vd2:/home/Mars # whereis amarok
amarok: /usr/bin/amarok
linux-1vd2:/home/Mars # whereis draftsight
draftsight:linux-1vd2:/home/Mars # 

So, where is the DraftSight?

Well, I suppose you downloaded and installed the Fedora version then, right?
I tried to install that now, you need to run it with:


I tried to run it here, and get this:

/opt/dassault-systemes/DraftSight/Linux/DraftSight: error while loading shared libraries: libaudio.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So in my case “libaudio.so.2” is missing. This is in the package “libaudio2”, but since I have a 64bit system and DraftSight is a 32bit application, I need to install the package “libaudio2-32bit”:

sudo zypper in libaudio2-32bit

(you can also use YaST->Software Management to install that package of course)

On my system, it does start then. You might miss other packages as well, just post the error message if you are still not sure what to do.

Maybe I am just off the boat…

bash: /opt/dassault-systemes/DraftSight/Linux/DrafSight: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu

In English - No such file or directory.

sudo zypper in libaudio-32bit
Wczytywanie danych repozytorium...
Odczytywanie zainstalowanych pakietów...
'libaudio-32bit' nie znaleziono nazwy pakietu.
Nie znaleziono dostawcy dla 'libaudio-32bit'.
Rozwiązywanie zależności pakietu...
Brak zadań.

In English - Loading repositories…
Reading installed packages…
‘libaudio-32bit’ couldn’t be found.
Couldn’t find deliverer for ‘libaudio-32bit’.
Solving dependents of package…
No task to do.

You made a typing mistake. The program is named DraftSight, not DrafSight

sudo zypper in libaudio-32bit
Wczytywanie danych repozytorium...
Odczytywanie zainstalowanych pakietów...
'libaudio-32bit' nie znaleziono nazwy pakietu.
Nie znaleziono dostawcy dla 'libaudio-32bit'.
Rozwiązywanie zależności pakietu...
Brak zadań.

In English - Loading repositories…
Reading installed packages…
‘libaudio-32bit’ couldn’t be found.
Couldn’t find deliverer for ‘libaudio-32bit’.
Solving dependents of package…
No task to do.

The package is called “libaudio2-32bit”, not “libaudio-32bit”.

Just copy/paste the lines I posted (in both cases).

Oh, sorry - I just woke up before I wrote here. That’s why I made a typo :slight_smile:

Ok, once again:

/opt/dassault-systemes/DraftSight/Linux/DraftSight: error while loading shared libraries: libaudio.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

And the same again…

sudo zypper in libaudio2-32bit
Wczytywanie danych repozytorium...
Odczytywanie zainstalowanych pakietów...
'libaudio2-32bit' nie znaleziono nazwy pakietu.
Nie znaleziono dostawcy dla 'libaudio2-32bit'.
Rozwiązywanie zależności pakietu...
Brak zadań.

There’s no libaudio2-32bit in Yast…
Have I done something wrong again?


Oops, sorry.
libaudio2 and libaudio2-32bit are not part of the standard openSUSE distribution.
But they are available in the Packman repo (the standard multimedia repo for openSUSE), please add that in YaST->Software Repositories->Add->Community Repositories.
You need it for most multimedia stuff anyway.

You should then be able to install “libaudio2-32bit” with either YaST or zypper.

PS: according to your YaST screenshot, you seem to have a 32bit system (there should be a libaudiofile1-32bit in that list otherwise :wink: ). So please install “libaudio2” instead of “libaudio2-32bit”.

wolfi323](https://forums.opensuse.org/member.php/40214-wolfi323) you are an expert - amazing guy! I can’t belive it works! :)) I am so happy! Thank you so much!

I added the Packman repo and then:

sudo zypper in libaudio.so.2
Pobieranie metadanych repozytorium 'openSUSE-13.1-Update' ..............[gotowe]
Budowanie pamięci podręcznej repozytorium 'openSUSE-13.1-Update' .......[gotowe]
Wczytywanie danych repozytorium...
Odczytywanie zainstalowanych pakietów...
'libaudio.so.2' nie znaleziono nazwy pakietu.
Rozwiązywanie zależności pakietu...

Następujący nowy pakiet zostanie zainstalowany:

1 nowy pakiet do zainstalowania.
Całkowity rozmiar danych do pobrania: 45,5 KiB Po wykonaniu operacji użyte 
zostanie dodatkowo 104,7 KiB.
Czy kontynuować? [t/n/? wyświetla wszystkie opcje] (t): t
Pobieranie pakiet libaudio2-1.9.4-1.3.i586
                                  (1/1),  45,5 KiB (104,7 KiB po zainstalowaniu)
Pobieranie: libaudio2-1.9.4-1.3.i586.rpm ...............................[gotowe]
(1/1) Instalowanie: libaudio2-1.9.4-1.3 ................................[gotowe]

And finally:

Yes yes yes! :slight_smile:
Greetings from Poland! :slight_smile:
How can I thank you?