Zypper Configuration for download of packages


Is it possible to configure Zypper to order downloads based on the package file size?

I would like to configure zypper to order the packages from largest to smallest and have it download in this order. I know it will not actually make the download process faster but it would provide the illusion of it speeding up based on the number of remaining packages. I think this would be nice for example when you are installing 200+ packages like I am today. I also think it would be useful if for some reason the update / distribution upgrade is interrupted as it would have already downloaded all packages larger than the ones remaining.

I am going to request this a a new feature for future versions of openSUSE!

I doubt if it can be done “out of the box” with zypper since you can’t query for an app’s details until the app is already installed.

Would have to investigate whether it’s possible using the rpm command, my guess is what you request should be possible, now.