Help installing homerun kicker

I recently found the homerun kicker ppa for Kubuntu. I really like it, but have no idea how to get it installed in openSUSE. I don’t see just a source package unless I’m overlooking it. Alien doesn’t work because of ubuntu package dependencies. The regular homerun package for openSUSE doesn’t include the kicker widget. Can anyone help me figure out how to get this installed?!!!&highlight=homerun+kicker

Which version of openSUSE?
Which desktop environment?

KDE I guess. :wink:

Homerun is included in the standard OSS repo (for openSUSE 13.1 at least) and KDE:Extra. Just run YaST->Software Management and you should find it there.

If not, look here:

13.1 KDE x86_64

I tried editing the debian package control file depends, and then convert to rpm, but it still won’t work. The regular homerun package doesn’t include the kicker widget, only the full screen launcher. I want the kicker widget. I grabbed the tar from lunchpad and tried installing with cmake, but the dependencies are hard coded for debian/ubuntu versions which don’t exist in openSUSE. :’(

Well, it seems this has been sent upstream. I found the latest git build in the KDE unstable repo, and the kicker menu is built in. You can download it from or wait for the updated homerun version.

Good news! The latest version (1.2.0) now includes the kicker widget. It is in KDE:extra. I love this menu.